Need adivce: Speeding ticket (court date June 24)

Caught doing 96km/h in a 60km/h zone
Fined $277

Was in my dad’s car (98 Ford Contour), and I basically took a left turn
at the lights where I accelerated to about 96km/h before a cop pulled
me about a KM or so away from the lights.

So yea, how do I plead?

What do I say?

and that u were holding it in for so long that you turned brown.

i got something similiar. plead not guilty and fight it.


i usually go with tickets. havent lost a single one yet. for both me and my brother hehe. 4162217777 tell them that vincent/derek mak referred you … we’re vip customers haha.

And what exactly do I say is my reason? :dunno:

Damn I got some reading to do tonight…

Useless posts deleted :squintnono:

Always fight tickets. If your record is clean you can start crying in front of the judge and tell him you are an orphan and a student and your working two jobs just to make ends meet and you are sending money back home to support your family and right now you can’t afford it because you just bought a used 1998 contour and your insurance is already high and if this ticket goes through you will not be able to afford to drive and you will have to sell your car and then you will not be able to go to work therefore you will not be able to afford your education and your family back in your native country will starve because they have nothing, the tsunami took their whole village away and they need all the suport they can get right now… oh yeah don’t forget the tears and puppy eyes and to apologize for speeding.
By the way this is called a (when all else fails plan) :lol:

x copper SUCKS dont go to them

go to Ontario Traffic Tickets

they are the best

reduced my 114 in a 80 (4 points) to 15 over

and my moms 110 in a 70 to nothing

Or, just fight it yourself. You take a risk but you save money!

I have fought many a ticket and never used those companies.

-try to delay the court date, call them like a couple days before and say you can’t get a ride down there. They will reschedule it for a date the cop won’t have ALL of his cases on (hopefully).
-Officer might not show up
-The sun was in your eyes (if the times work out for this one).
-leg cramped up.
-was in a hurry to get medication for your mom or dad.

Just my opinion. Sometimes you just have to feel out the judge to see which excuse will work. You can usually tell this from all the people before you.


Ok, I dunno how many of you missed the point or didn’t read the whole

My court date is June 24th. That’s tomorow. I’m not having anyone fight
it. I am fighting it myself.

Some of you mention X-Copper and other shit. Don’t those place need
like appointments and shit well in advance of the court date?

I am fighting it myself. I Just need ideas on what to say and how to
present my case.

If the cop shows up, you are SOL. Doesn’t matter how well your argument is, you will be boinked up the boinking ass.

The judge will take the cop’s side. Why?

A) Because you are brown.

B) And the cop will have information on his radar gun, the area, and the speed limit.

C)And you admitted that you were speeding, so there’s no debate whether you were right or wrong.

D) Plus, you’re brown.

And those Xcopper places need at least a week’s notice.

For some reason I’m hoping the cop is a no-show. I mean he did
convince me to ‘fight it’ rather then just pay for it. He did stress that as he
handed me the ticket. :dunno:

You can still get a lawyer on short notice.
But I gave you two pieces of advice, read through that second website it’s your best chance without a lawyer.

I have it mirrored in case it runs out of bandwidth let me know

Hey I thought being Brown in Canada is a good thing?..At least that’s what it looks like.
Perfect example. About 7 month’s ago me and my friend both applied for the same position at GTAA.
He get’s hired I didn’t, Im more qualified for the position we applied for, I have a higher education and I have experience. He even told me straight up he got hired because he is Pakistani and he is considered minority he couldn’t believe they didn’t even call me for an interview. This kid is as far as being Pakistani as I am. He barely speaks his own language, has hardly any religious beliefs and he was the biggest trouble maker when we were kids.
Minority my ass count how many Greeks there are in Canada and then count how many Pakistanies there are in Canada and then tell me who is minority here. Im still happy for him that he got the job anyway because he was unemployed for a long time so he really needed it. So there are no disadvantages to being a different colour, sometimes it’s even an advantage. At least here in Canada anyway, not so much in USA.


Hey I thought being Brown in Canada is a good thing?..At least that’s what it looks like.
Perfect example. About 7 month’s ago me and my friend both applied for the same position at GTAA.
He get’s hired I didn’t, Im more qualified for the position we applied for, I have a higher education and I have experience. He even told me straight up he got hired because he is Pakistani and he is considered minority he couldn’t believe they didn’t even call me for an interview. This kid is as far as being Pakistani as I am. He barely speaks his own language, has hardly any religious beliefs and he was the biggest trouble maker when we were kids.
Minority my ass count how many Greeks there are in Canada and then count how many Pakistanies there are in Canada and then tell me who is minority here. Im still happy for him that he got the job anyway because he was unemployed for a long time so he really needed it. So there are no disadvantages to being a different colour, sometimes it’s even an advantage. At least here in Canada anyway, not so much in USA.[/quote]


Besides the GTAA hires a lot of brown people because most of their customers are brown people. Go to the airport and see how many curry eaters are working there.

Anyways this is offtopic. I’m sure Gonad is getting reamed right now.

:lol: …your right he probably is getting reamed right now…poor guy.

T Minus 29min and counting… :noes:

Court at 2:30 and I’m gonna dress my best and that’s all I can hope for :rofl:

Other then that, might as well be as truthful as possible :dunno:

Im out…

We thought you were already there.
…Well good luck man. If we don’t see again you will always be remembered.

:lol: Just go with my plan that I quoted earlier, it’s a “when all else fails plan” but it draws sympothy and it sometimes works, just breakdown and start crying fall on the floor and start rolling around and have a temper tantrum in the court room. No one wants to see a man crying and spazing out over a ticket, they will feel sorry for you and hopefully let you go. :lol:

good luck dude.

Yes, I got reamed.

I had the option to pay something like $180 w/ 3points but I decided to fight.

Bad idea. I ended up with $175 ticket and 4-points as usual. :pat:

And the cop was there. F*ck.

Unfortunately my excuse didn’t work as did my cross examination of the cop.

So yea, guess my insurance is gonna fuck me up and Im gonna have to
sell the car. :cry:

I told what you should of done.

3 or 4 points don’t make a difference your going to get fucked anyways.

Selling the car doesn’t have to be an option, just keep liability on it and reduce your coverage from 1 mill to half a mill. Or shop around for a different insurance company once your insurance goes up.

Nah Im joking about selling the car. I give you my word, nothing will
convince me to sell my car anytime soon.

My coverage on it is pretty minimum.

I just don’t want it going up.

Once my bro moves out in a couple months, and gets his own shit, it
should hopefully reduce some stress on us (just me and my dad remain then).

Ah well, you live and you learn. you should see me on the road these
days. Two things keep me safe now: I watch my speedo every 10sec
and the moment i reach the limit, I hit the cruise button. :rofl: