A few speed questions.

I know the speedo on my bike is a bit off… reads like 8 mph high when we are doing 40.

Is there anyway that I can get it re-calibrated and have the dealer right a note saying it was done, and also use it to reduce a speeding ticket? ( yea i know)

Also, the cop that pulled me over saw me pull out kinda fast( on my bike) but she was 2 cars behind me, and she said I was doing 65. (which is BS, maybe 55) Its her word against mine though. I told her my speedo was messed up and I plan on gettting it fixed. Hopefully the judge will take some pity on me.

ALSO: haha, this is just bitchy and funny. She wrote me a ticket for an overdue inspection EVEN THOUGH i showed her my temporary inspection paper that i got yesterday when I registered my bike. BIOTCH!!

and before I hear “you shoulda took off” she followed me down another road and I didn’t even know she was behind me and followed me right into my friends driveway. I didn’t even see her until i parked my bike lolzz

get it fixed and get something from the mechanic saying it was off, they shouldn’t give you too hard of a time.

think about it…you’re speedo says 55, you’re going 49. if you tell him it reads high then you should have been going under the speed limit. and if you knew about it you should know how much it’s off to do the proper speed limit. just slow the fuck down and take your ticket like a man, you deserved it. you got caught. you’re giving the rest of us bad names.

edit: every bike’s speedo is off by 8-10%, it’s how they do it. buy a speedo calibrator if you can’t do the math on the fly.

I’m not going to tell the judge it is reading HIGH, but like I said,when I pulled out I maybe hit 60…meaning my actual speed is around 50…(I have different sprockets too so It throws the speed off)
I also don’t understand what “taking it like a man” means. Yes, I was speeding…maybe 10 over, I jsut don’t see how she got an arcurate reading being 2 cars behind me. she seen me take off fast so I’m assuming that’s why she made something up.
At least if I get it re calibrated i can show the judge and I won’t get too high of a fine.

im just going to say it because it needs to be said and im sure it will be. How do you know if she was 2 cars behind you when you said you did not even see her untill she pulled behind you in your friends driveway

She said she was, and I knew there was a white and a yellow car behind me when i pulled out of my road.
she claims her “laser” can go around other cars (she used radar…dumbass)
Maybe it can, but it didn’t give her a correct reading.

You already answered your own question. Get it fixed, show the temp inspection and do not argue with the fact she was 2 cars behind. Leave it at you just purchased the bike and you were only following your speedo. Then get something from the person that fixes it I.E. an estimate stating at what % it was off.

Good luck bro

I was actually wondering this myself. Sorry to hijack but my speedo is off 10 mph. What’s the most accurate and cheapest fix?

well if it is still under waranty dealer is best bet and if not prolly just a local mechanic would be the best and cheapest way to go to get a reciept for proof and what have you

ALL motorcycles are off from the factory…all of them, it’s how they’re made. you either deal with it or buy a speedohealer. if the judge is a retard you might get away with telling him it’s a speedo problem. it’s pretty common knowledge that speedometers read optimistic tho.

Yes, I know this… But…i feel that miss trooper exagerated my speed… she told me the only reason she is giving me 3 tickets is because she has a personal hate for “these type of motorcycles”
So i figure if she is going to exaggerate my speed, i’ll just make it known to the judge that although it was my fault for carrying too much speed, I fixed my speedo problem and now I know exactly how fast I am going and it won’t happen again. (even though this is like my 8th ticket in boston)

Maybe this guy will know :shrug:






how many threads about you getting pulled over for “bs” tickets are you going to post? you either have the worst luck with cops or are one the worst drivers/riders on the road. my advice would be chill the fuck out and lay low for a while. im seems the cops are always hassling you and my guess is, its for good reason.


lol, the same poster can be used for the snipes thread.

Seriously? Deal with it and move on. With all these ticket problems i doubt you’re the “right” one in all these situations.

thank you for saving me the trouble or searching. how many times are you gonna get a ticket? for the love of god do you EVER learn? how do you even still have a license?


seriously though… I get pulled over ALOT… I also dont get tickets ALOT of the time when i get pulled over. I truly dont understand how you get screwed all the time… I’m thinking the problem may lie within the man behind the machine. Slow it down.

And as for you thinking people saying you should run, well you’ve been on the bike for 1 day, you’ve been off street bikes for the entire winter. If you would have run, I would have said. “You’re retarded.”

With all the new riders this season on SS bikes, its going to be…

A. a bad season as far as accidents/casualties go
B. a bad season in the eyes of the police from everybody running/going fast/wrecking
C. everybody hating motorcycles because people are wreckless.

I’m not innocent, I do my fair share of stupid things, but thus far, knock on wood, my luck and abilities have kept me in the good graces of the law, and whoever is keeping me alive.

Be smart, be safe… the season is still early… get to a track, run a trackday, learn more in a day than most learn in a season… and get some REAL experience. (of all people, the guy who “races” sleds should be all over this)

side note. good luck fighting it, seriously… i know i would just accept the points, but I’m fairly certain I’d go about it another way than trying to prove the speedo-error theory. Best of luck. (are you tired of court yet this month)

It would only help if it read low. IE it said you were going 55 when you were really going 65.