A few speed questions.

Get out of speeding tickets every time!

there was a book, how to get out of any speeding ticket… well worth the read

this is my 30th ticket :frowning:
I am actually not a shitty driver… I actually have the WORST luck ever…I drive with my friends and they suck, speed, no directional, run redlights. but never get pulled over… I…well… get nabbed all the time. It just sucks.

Oh yeah, Just received a call from Trooper XXXXXX saying my speeding ticket is going to be thrown out due to the radar unit malfunctioning.

Still got the inspection ticket and out of class ticket though :frowning:


click on yellow box

Scott is a local guy and Id rather see people go to him.

as i was reading my first thought was why did he stop? but lol at being followed. That same shit happened to me before. I blasted down the road on the R1, pulled into the driveway. was about to walk into the house when I see a cop car in my driveway. I only got imprudent speed. He was in a driveway of a house I passed and said he just saw me pull into my driveway as he pulled out. Dammit, I did go by him at atleast 130 tho so the imprudent speed wasnt bad. And he checked my inspection to, lucky me it was good for a few more days til the month ended.

forgot about scott. met him once or twice. he does some pretty cool shit…

and you seriously got a no inspection and outta class ticket? wtf. i’m starting to see why sportbikes have such a bad name. you sir are a moron. why would you even think of speeding when you’re not on something thats legal and you weren’t with someone? do you even have your motorcycle permit?

dude, maybe a few tix is bad luck. but 30? [SIZE=2]you obviously do a lot of dumb shit on the road. [/SIZE]

bull shit i have 30 in 2 years i just always used to never pay attention to the speedometer. now though i rarely speed.

also i do not believe you do not drive reckless as you obviously thought about running. If you run for a speeding ticket i hope darwin in the size of a tractor trailer catches you at an intersection

speedohealer? do you have sprockets or anything like that?

even without sprockets… stock bikes are normally optimistic by about 8%… fwiw

EDIT. Dont believe me… carry a gps next time you go out

LOL at 30 tickets.

Sadly, that doesn’t hold a candle to my record…

wow you guys must really suck at driving, i used to be pretty bad myself, but i soon started to pay for it when jobs starting rejecting me due to 6 points in one ticket. i also couldnt get insurance on my bike due to a license suspension. when it gets to that point, the shit stops.

how old are you bobby? have we met?

Word, I love the people that claim they were doing 190mph on a stock 600 :lol:

My speedo on my geared 636 would read 189 mph… GPS’ed that equates too 158.9 lol

(and that was -1 in the front ONLY) lol… people who make outrageous claims always make me smile and nod



Speedohealer > yellowbox FWIW

i guess no one read my previous post of when she called and said the speeding ticket was dropped.