wrong speed.


Eitherway. I’m not arguing that I wasn’t speeding but it just sucks my speed was inflated that much so this danm rookie cop could meet quota for the end of the month.

Also, with the front plate, I’m just going to claim that the dealership had no more PLASTIC front screws and I refused metal ones because they rust.
Hopfully it goes over.


dude, i would love to be the judge when you told me that…:lol:

I had a similar thing, i was going 50 or so and the cop said i was going 55 in a 45, I told the da i was only going 5 over and all he said was ‘you still were speeding’

just pay it and move on, courts just want your money and dont care how they get it.

Youre are fucked.

my saturn speedo reads 5mph low and my sho speedo with under diameter tires reads dead on under 120mph then it reads low from 120+ POS ford speedo.