Got a ticket for doing 80 in a 65... when the cruise was at 70.

see New York State Certified Speed Expert
My Brother-in-law is a Tonawanda cop and he’s certified. He explained it to me and how it all works. It’s a certified experts word against yours. That’s before the fact that he’s a cop is taken into effect.

this is completely incorrect. please don’t give advice to people when you don’t know what you are talking about.

set the cruise to 60 mph… and go down the 90 or something… time from mile marker to mile marker…

if its 60 seconds she’s on the button… if its 50 seconds she’s at 72. Sounds like your car is a little bit off… Common sense would probably tell you that when you are passing cars like they are standing still you are going faster than 5 over…

or use the equation. 3600/t = speed, t = time it takes from marker to marker in seconds.

Some cops can be douchebags on a power trip but…where would we be without them?


Just by a cheap TomTom or other GPS and look at the speed read out :lol:


Find someone with the iPhone and the Speedbox app

i just use my blackberry and my gps on the phone to see how fast im really going, hell i borrowed a truck yesterday and to go 70mph his speedo read 78 lol

My grandpas brother bought a brand new lincoln like 10 years ago. He was driving to arizona to visit family and got a speeding ticket in colorado for I think 20-25 over. He was enraged because he knew he had set his cruise to only 12 over exactly.

He sent his ticket in as not guilty and when they sent him his court date, He actually drove down to fight it because he felt so wronged that the cop could lie about the speed when he KNEW his brand new lincoln was not off.

The judge said “No one in their right mind would drive all the way from New York if they didn’t feel they had a good case” and they dropped the whole thing!


Good for him. He prob spent more driving there than he saved in the ticket. But good for him.

I thought blackberry and iphones were agps devices - you can’t get an accurate reading off of cell phone tower triangulation, especially when moving.

I was curious about the GPS on the iPhone…

I ran my TomTom next to the iPhone and they both had the exact same speed.

obv the phone was copying the tomtom

Is the Bender on the bench in boston any relation to you? She was an utter beotch to me with my “unsafe tire” ticket. long story short, cop saw me with out of state tag on the bike, said my tire looked “thin” when i was driving by, and wrote me for that, and speeding to “teach me a lesson.” Judge threw the book at me, school, few hundred in fines and said i was a punk and how DARE i question the cops ability to read tread depth while a vehicle was moving even though i had 4 letters from NY inspection facilities showing my tire was AT NEW tread depth (<200 miles), so if she is family, tell her to try not to slip on the ice this winter.

Richer perhaps, but in what perspective? Save some on taxes? Do you propose martial law instead? How else to keep crime at bay?

Well, I wouldn’t be harassed for stupid shit like no front plate or driving with my fog lights on only to get a ticket for insufficient lights.

My old lady was pulled over for fog lights. The officer stated they are a distraction to oncoming traffic. Not sure about everyone else but if anything is a distraction (lighting related), HIDs are fucking blinding, especially on trucks.


i rolled through a stop sign, and got it reduced to 2 parking tickets at $100 each…fucking $200 for a stop sign i went through at like 5mph…weaksauce.

Was just going to say this.

When I put my winters on my grand am, since they were a different size than stock… but it said to still be within 0.3% of stock speedo reading, I was like meh… calculations can be wrong sometimes.
So I just drove around and looked at my speed and the GPS speed.
matched up close, but was off by 1mph at 70. (If I was doing 70 on speedo, I was actually doing 69)

Well I get u wont know for sure till you check and see if your speedo is calibrated right.

I called Burdick Mazda (As I’m a service adviser myself) and asked if they could re-calibrate it. They said it couldn’t be done. Fellow members on ProbeTalk said it could. Where’s one take it, how is it re-calibrated?