hey guys... got a speeding ticket, but its bs

So tonite im just driving around town, sorta quick like usual, no biggie, got the escort passport on… like 230am… and then i turn into this bank parking lot and quickly rip a donut for the hell of it and as i slide around i see a cop coming right after me into the lot and whip on his lites… im like wtf/wth? So i sorta pull up to him like… whats the deal? Hes like why did you pull in this lot? Blah blah blah, were you trying to outrun me? (no idea wtf hes talking about) im like uhh what do you mean… hes like you tried to get away from me so thats why you came in here or somthing… so im like ok whatever, he goes have you been drinking? im like no, i dont do that (i really dont, ever) so he says let me see your id… I gotta get out so i can get it out… he gets all wierd like NO NO STAY IN THE VEHICLE… i go, well i gotta so i can get my wallet out of my pants, son, im wearing 2 pair of pants (i was working on cars tonite) so he goes how old are you? I go how old do i look? Hes all like… i dont wanna be disrespected, youre offending me by calling me son I am an officer in uniform… do i look like your son… blah blah blah… whatever… i was just pissed off so i was giving him shit… hes like yeah i got you on radar back there, you passed me and i came after you (no idea, i do not believe i passed anybody, and the detector never went off… BULLSHIT) so im like yeah ok whatver… he says ok ill be right back… anyway so some other shit happens and basically after a while he comes back and says yeah ok its printing out im giving you speeding… i say… uhh speeding?? How fast?? He says I have you on radar going 51 in a 30, so i say… Oh yea? Really? Was that K band or KA band? He looks at me, sorta flustered look, looks back to his cruiser, looks back at me… sorta mumbles… K… I say umm yeah man i know youre playin with me, i know you didnt have me on radar (hes fucking with me) he goes I DONT PLAY, IF YOU WANNA PLAY WE CAN GO ON WITH THIS… im like whatever man just gimme that and let me get out of here… Anyway sure enough, in NY they give you a print out of the ticket/court date radar gun used blahblahblah and it said sure enough: Method used: Radar, Radar unit: (BLANK) . That is generally filled in, i was written a ticket by a state trooper and she listed all of that shit. I know this guy is full of shit, the detector never went off, he never even told me what he had claimed to catch me at before he printed that up, and was flustered when i pushed it and got all defensive. Does it look like i have a fairly good case to get it dismissed? Either way, im most likely getting a lawyer, i have a CDL and cant lose it

So how fast were you going? You said you were driving quickly…

It’s your word against his though…thats never any good

But you’re lucky that he didn’t catch you messing around in that lot
You’re also lucky he didn’t make you night a lot worse with the attitude you gave him.

edit: you have a CDL and you did that?!:smash2:

nope, his word against your’s. Not filling that in will not get rid of the ticket. Hell if he wanted to he could have said he judged it using his eye sight since they are trained to do that.

Oh and just an FYI being a dick to a cop isnt exactly the best way to handle the situation.

i go, well i gotta so i can get my wallet out of my pants, son, im wearing 2 pair of pants (i was working on cars tonite) so he goes how old are you? I go how old do i look? Hes all like… i dont wanna be disrespected, youre offending me by calling me son I am an officer in uniform… do i look like your son… blah blah blah… whatever…


wtf why did you call him son?
i’m probably younger than you and would be offended by that.

way to be an asshole.

:word: That could’ve hurt you really bad… terrible move :tdown:

don’t ever…EVER! be a dick to a officer. I bet you thats the reason why you got your ticket

Ya… you were being completly disrespectful… you should’ve gotten more than you did. In my opinion you got really easy. He should’ve hit you up for the donut and for being disrespectful.

Here is a ticket for being a jerk. :lolsign: Respect my authority.

Yeah you are a dumbass

Its seems a pretty common theme here that those who get pulled over and are dicks to the cop get tickets. . .and then call BS.

A little repsect goes a long way.

I bet if you were kind and curtious, and didn’t act like a douchebag, you could have gotten off.

Here’s the thing.


Here’s a quick story.

Guy gets a speeding ticket. Complains to judge that no radar is listed. Judge confronts cop about it. Cop says “sorry i forgot, to write it down…no big deal, i’ll just write him another ticket, and put the radar on that one”.

So you fighting it, is pointless. They can write tickets anywhere, for anything.

Another quick story about being a dick.

Guy gets fined $250 for speeding.
Judge asks, “can you pay this fine now?”
The guy says “hell yeah, i can pull that outta my ass right now”.
And proceeds to put the $250 on the judges bench.
The judge looks at him and says “oh yeah? can you pull 30 days in jail out of your ass?”.
And gives the guy 30 days in jail. :slight_smile:

You deserve what you got. In my opinion atleast.

lol @ becks 2nd story, who actually does that?

I got out of 3 tickets in the last 2 months by being respectful. 2 tickets that I did get were in place of speeding, and they were for bald tires… which were “fixed” 45 minutes after the ticket was written

Fucking douchebag, shoulda given you a ride in the back of the squad car for being a waste of oxygen. Your mother should have swallowed.

:lol: so angry is walter haha

Yeah i know i was being a douche and i shoulda been nicer but i just knew he was gonna fuck with me as soon as he “had me on radar” i fucking hate it when cops do this shit, ive had sherriffs make up complete BS stories just to pull me over… like from saying i had a light out or somthing to accusing us that he knew we bought beer and were headed to an underage drinking party (not making this shit up guys)… And its never been the old fat cop just giving me shit, its been younger cops giving me shit because they just think im up to somthing just because im a younger guy. Just so you guys know, I have a clean lisence otherwise, and dont normally drive like an asshat, but i was just letting off some steam at the past 2 weeks ive had lol. Id just very much prefer to keep my CDL perfectly clean. The last 2 tickets i got were for equipment issues (no front plate/loud exhaust) my car is not modified (at least not this one)


i can’t believe you screwed with him that much

letting off steam… still terrible attituded

take it like a man and move on, it is not the end of te world

like others have already said, it would be your word vs. his in court. and although you definitely shouldn’t be a smart ass with a cop, i don’t really blame you because in the same situation i would have been pissed off x100000 and probably have said the same shit.

fight it it will likely be reduced to a parking ticket and you will pay some fines and be on your way.

edit no need for a lawyer that will just tripple your cost for this ordeal imo.