Speeding ticket help

Received a " speed not reasonable and prudent " trying to find out how bad of a ticket this is and how hard it would be if my record is pretty clean to get it reduced to a non moving violation ?


how did ya get this ???

im pretty sure thats a joke of a ticket, means the cop didnt get you on radar therefore has no idea how fast you were going… Go to court without a lawyer, say you want parking on pavement, if they say no, adjourn it, get a $150 lawyer and hell 100% knock it down to parking on pavement… With a lawyer you can handle it by mail too, no need to appear. Go to court first as I think you can get it reduced without a lawyer.


Yea I’m gonna try that, I’m leaving for Afghanistan soon so hopefully that will help out too… Anyone know any of the judges in Clifton park courthouse ?

asshole cop just harrasing another biker

I know bro WTF just cruising home on rt 9 enjoying the cool weather and get shitted on

that will absolutely work lol, one time in LG some girl fuckin spit on me so I pissed in a cup and threw it at her and got arrested… Was just about to enlist in the marines and I swear to god when I went to court with my papers the judge didnt even hear the case, just dropped it… I was like WWTTFFF lol

Deploying deff helps. Before I left I went to court and had that same ticket and 2 others completly droped because I was in acu’s and was deploying in 3 weeks

Yea man let’s hope it works out lol… Still anyone have any hookups in Clifton park court ?

Just sell me the bike so no more issues lol

Its a BS 2 pointer, it will get reduced.

Go to court in fatigues

Last I knew it was a 4 pointer

I got one of those tickets and it turned out to be a misdemeanor. Must appear with legal representation and such. It was a full 6 points. It is a gray area ticket tho and as long as your record is a lot cleaner than mine when I got it then it should be easily reduced.

I went back thru my records. My prudent speed was dropped. I forgot that the cop also nailed me with reckless driving which was the misdemeanor 6 point. You don’t want that ticket. LOL

Yea man that’s what I’ve been hearing that most times it is dropped or reduced

Ain’t fucking happening lol

U mad a car kept up with ya is all . I understand

I got speed unreasonable for conditions for drifting around a roundabout in the rain.

4 points, reduced to 2.

I thought you got that one dropped because you sucked the judge off??