Got NAILED by a State Po ‘UC’ car, and by UC I mean it just didn’t have a light bar.
He was sitting in the U-Turn facing the Northbound lane, I was heading South by Exit 11, saw him at the same time the V1 gave the laser alert but it was too late.
Got me at 82, but only wrote me a ticket for 75.
So that’s 10 over, 3 points, those are 3 points I’d rather not have as my insurance JUST went down to a reasonable level.
Also, I got a no front plate ticket that was Adjourned in Contemplation of Dismissal, which afaik means that it gets dropped as long as you don’t do anything wrong for a given amount of time, but they never specified how much time I had…is this going to come back and bite me in the ass? It’s two different town courts as well.
So anybody know a lawyer that could get some more of the points knocked off or should I just prolong it forever and pay the full amount eventually and postpone the trial a million times?
sign not guilty on it and send it in, when you go in for court you can talk to the DA or court councel and they always offer a plea bargain. You will probably have to pay a 150 bucks for a parking ticket.
Let me ask my guy and see what I can do…no promises…frankly I’m not sure if traffic tickets are worth his time. In the meantime, SLOW DOWN! I probably drive more on the northway more then anyone here (over 200 miles a week minimum) and have NEVER had a problem going 75 or under. I normally keep the Corolla at 72, heh. Do the math for how much time you gain by going 5-10mph and it’s just not worth it. Not to mention the reduction in fuel mileage.
If you are going try to pull a move like that off you need to dfigure out what troop he is out of… (malta probable) then try to find out who we know from that base. If not a cop from one station has to call another and that usually doesn’t work that well with two strangers.
Defend yourself… way cheaper, nothing a lawyer would do better than you can. When you go for your court date talk to the DA, like someone else said, and i’m almost positive they will give you a parking on the pavement for it, not to mention if he included a laser printout of your speed (82) and then wrote you for 75, you can technically argue thats not right. Either way if you are worried about needing to make it 6 months w/ no violations ask for a supporting deposition, which will take way longer to get your court date.
He gave me a supporting deposition with my ticket, and I’ve heard of defending yourself, however every time it actually comes down to it they never let me speak with the DA, they always tell me it’s a conflict of interest and that I’d need to hire a lawyer to do so.
That has to be BS. Probably somebody here has been to the same court and knows what the deal is. On the other hand, if the cop reduced the ticket on site it might be hard to get it dropped to a non-moving violation in court. It will most likely get reduced to something like a 2-point or less violation. I won’t waste your money on a lawyer though, like Swifty said, 10 over isn’t something to worry about.
You can also take a defensive driving course and knock off 4 points, and get a 10% insurance reduction.
its 10mph over, theres no way they will think you’re some dumbass kid. I’m suprised he even bothered to write you for that. tell them you drive an old bmw and the sprrdo doesnt work, you didnt know you were going 10mph over and the public defendant should make a plea for you… should be like, atleast a “failure to observe a traffic control device” which is 2points, or hopefully 1110A which i believe is parking on the pavement. no points, $100 and $55 surcharge
Yeah the only thing is, I have like 4 “parking on the pavement/failure to yield to a traffic control device” violations on my record, which as the last two cops who have reduced me have said “the next cop will see those on your record and know you’ve had reductions in the past, and won’t be as lenient”
Basically I suck :rofl
I really shouldn’t have been going 80 to begin with, like Travis(the not banend one) said. :sad
I’m just going to send it in not guilty like a week before my court date and hope for the best on my trial date.
What should I ACTUALLY say at my trial date though? Just walk around looking for the DA and say “Excuse me Mister DA, could you lower my charge so I don’t get raped even more on insurance?”
Oh, and I’ve already taken defensive driving, how often can you take it?
4 days ago I got a 76 in a 55 on route 9 in front of mackys near exit 10. I was doing a 100 and murdering a kid in a STI. He got me at 76 because thats the speed he clocked the STI at (the STI was on the inside lane) so thats wht he wrote me up for…the STI pulled onto a side road and the cop couldnt find him, so he said thats why he pulled me over…he was cool as hell. Complimented my car 3 times, and just explained that he had to give me a ticket because I was going way too fast. He told me just to sign not guilty, come into court and he will mark it down.
A officer from the past told me himself at court that usually they dont even issue a ticket unless it 15mph+ because at court, it gets reduced to almost nothing and isnt worth the time…you sir, got a dick head cop.
well when you go, get in line at the public defenders door, talk to them and just say you werent paying attention, it was late, you were going to work, whatever, and they should plea it down.
every 18months you can take it, ask me how i know, i’ve taken it 4 times.
5 points, lucky bastard. DMV doesn’t bother you till 6.