Speeding ticket help

He did . He just acting cool

lol. thats great.

Nick is correct. Any speeding violation with no clocked speed is automatically 2 points. (I know from experience). Just fought one off with a lawyer in menands and it ended up being a parking on pavement. Lawyer up and it will get thrown out or reduced.

You are offically the man

I am betting its 4 points, as far as i know thats the lowest you get for a speeding ticket which this counts as. I’m guessing they will reduce it to a failure to obey a traffic control device which is 2. Unless the judge is nice i don’t think the OP will get a parking on the pavement without a lawyer. and if you get one for 150 your doing real good

I was going to say, how did a violation turn into a crime? i’m not surprised wreckless driving counts as a misdemeanor though

The irony of OP’s user name. :lol

Sorry buddy, wear the army garb, get it dropped I bet.

I have had 2 speeding tickets where no speed was clocked and they were both 2 points each. One was reduced to a parking on pavement, the other an 1110A which is not obeying a traffic signal.

well then the 1110A wasn’t much of a reduction because thats 2 points as well.

still looks better then a speeding ticket to an insurance company tho

This website says its three points.

unless speeds unreasonable and prudent is different from Speeding (MPH over speed limit not indicated). Which it probably is since i am pretty sure you can get one for doing the speed limit or under if its raining/snowing. It also says a failure to obey traffic control device is 3 points which is incorrect in my experience.

Might want to check this site out OP


True that. It’s all about the insurance.

I know an 1110A is 2 pts and am 90% sure my recent speeds unreasonable and prudent was a 2 pointer as well.

Either way try to get a good LOCAL lawyer and good luck. If he isn’t local then he will have little pull in court. You want someone who knows the prosecutor / cops / judge fairly well.

yes that is a good point about being local. thats the first thing my guy will ask me is ‘where did you get the ticket?’

I actually trust him a lot and had him take care of a ticket in long island for me. He had to travel 3 hrs. he charged me 500 which is pretty reasonable given the travel, and he reduced it.

yeah you should be fine. its a bs ticket from what i was reading… no way they got you on radar

^speaking of which- did u get snagged last night:lol? check sighting thread ******

no way he did unless he wasnt sure which one of us he was gettin speed from lol


I agree with the going in there in your fatigues and talking to the DA and explaining yourself. I’m sure it gets dropped.

Oh, and by the way…thank you for going over there man. I wouldn’t be able to do what you will be doing (partly because I’m a chicken and partly because of my religion) but God Bless you and keep you safe over there. This applies to all of you who are/were in the armed forces. Thanks. :tbu

Yea man thats my plan…

And thank you!

IDK walking in BDU’s seems like you are just asking for a way out. Might work might not… Its like those kids that walk into a small town court dressed in a suit, the judge is wearing jeans, GTFO :rofl

I went to court in some small ass town a few years back and the fuckin’ judge was smoking a cigar in his office which doubled as his court room (didn’t really have a court room). I laughed my balls off.

Should make my own thread for this but im too lazy, is there anyone on here in the National Gaurd? Is it just like the Marines/army/Navy ext where you HAVE to be stationed or can you join and stay local? I keep hearing mixed stories about this. I know you can REQUEST a “dream” spot in the branches above but I was told they usually dont listen.