Speeding ticket help

Boost I’m in the national guard … Shoot me a text/pm and I’ll tell ya everything ya wanna know about the guard … Good bad indifferent … 9373660

I’ve been in for 3 years now btw

But to answer your question , national guard is “stationed” home

Absolutely priceless. :lol

He had one of those shiny brown leather chairs that was full of awesome, and the room reminded me of a psychiatrists office circa ‘79. Fuckin’ rad. Can’t remember exactly where it was but I was on my way back from Canton.

Just an update went to court last night and if I pleaded guilty it would have been 3 points and a $135 fine… I go back on Thursday to talk to the DA to get it reduced

i see what you did there…

what happened?

heres some great info on these tickets

fight fire with fire.

use the law to beat the law. theres to many bogous laws today that water down the rights of americans

I don’t generally judge someone until I actually meet them because I feel it’s out of character but in this case I’m going to make an exception. You are a complete idiot. Every single thing you post you refer to youtube. Stop posting.


Can we PLEASE ban pitman. His posts are absolutely useless on this forum, and I mean EVERYONE of them. Not just a few here and there.



Nobody will be banned for voicing their views no matter how outrageous they are.

With that said, he reminds me of my old coworkers that was convinced he made a Bedini Perpetual motor and that it was a world wide government conspiracy to keep it hush hush. His plan was to make thousands of mini engines and drop them off at places to spread the word.

yeah… never happened.

My neighbor, referred to as BlueMan, is convinced he has made ethanol or some shit, in mason jars, in the bed of his blue spray painted s10, with overwhelming smell of gas(with a wooden in bed tank no less). He tries to tell us the news is coming to interview him and his ‘invention’ that he refers to as ‘Polar Systems’ I think it was, because he likes polar bears. He wears blue everyday. I will not leave room for him to park near me, although he has already hit my hatch twice. The day his truck explodes, and it will, I dont want to be anywhere near it. Guy is a nutcase.

/Off-topic rant.

^witnessed this lunatic in action lol

Got it dropped to parking ticket and fines waived

Ban ohnopopo . He blew the judge lol