Good lawyer suggestions

Well I went to court today for my speeding ticket (21 over). The judge said I could take a parking ticket , 5 hour class , and 2 points. I said no thanks and now I’m looking for a lawyer. Any suggestions and how much do they run ? Thanks.


and :lol: at not taking the offer…

you sir, are a fucking moron

how do you get points for a parking ticket

Probably also an 1110a in the mix.

I’ll send you to mine, she got my shit dropped.

wasnt parking ticket if you could read. i was speeding 21 over the posted speed limit judge said i could take a parking ticket, 5 hour class, and 2 points on my record.

Thanks ill give her a call

LOL at getting tickets… I only get “slow down” even with a 65 in a 45, and unsafe start lol

I guess im not popular :frowning:

I was saying the whole point of giving a parkign ticket for speeding is its a non point violation and they get to keep the money. I’m wondering if they had you plea to parking how they’d assign points to it.

so still 2 points with the class? so you were looking at 6? i would of took the deal, you will prob pay more in lawyer fees

dont know just know what he told me… actually I have a conference scheduled so I called and they said I dont have to bring a lawyer but I can so idk…

Def would have taken the deal…

Well I have a conference so Im wondering if I dont win on my next court date if I would still get the same deal…

Usually deals are not still around after they are offered. You should’ve taken it. 2 points for an 1110a + some cash isnt shit. Your insurance nor your license would’ve been effected. Now you face a 21 over ticket, nice!

Well i received all the info i need. Thanks guys ill post the outcome next week. /endthread

wait wait wait…for 21 over you rejected that…moron.

sry but the amount you would pay for parking ticket, class and an increase in insurance (not much if any at all) will be less than a good lawyer.

i guarantee that the lawyer will get you NO points.

what town is this in?

Also, points fuck you HARD. Do whatever you can to avoid them.

Exactly considering im 18 points will fuck me hard.

i live in wheatfield and received the ticket in north tonawanda was 2 miles from my house.

you just punched a gift horse in the face, and now you want to go back with an attorney to say FU to the gift horse.

let me know how this works out for you - who knows, you might get lucky.