Good lawyer suggestions

Hard and long. 3 years on your record fucking with your insurance.

Really shocked they still wanted to hit you with points on top of the parking ticket and school.

Usually certain lawyers become “familiar faces” around certain courts… Try to find out who these people are.

For reference, my lawyer in hamburg was a friend of the DA.

95 in a 30 -> 200 bucks in fines, school, no points.

the points were probably a 1110a; non-moving violation, which doesn’t mean shit to insurance…

you’re screwed… May get a similar deal, doubt it, but he may make it class, and a 3-point moving now…

5 bucks says reval’s lawyer gets him zero points.

who’s in?

im in just got off the phone with a lawyer seems like ervything will go smoothly… lawyer isnt that expensive, cheaper than i thought. Thanks for the lawyer suggestion ryan she was in court today and I seen her lol. I dont care about parking tickets or lawyer fees just points. and newman did you sell your sti I seen it on nasioc a while ago.

If the lawyer is remotely decent it shouldn’t be an issue.

2 pts can be added and it won’t affect your insurance, 3 pts is where the fucking begins. The 2pts is a joke. Probably would have been cheaper to take the $100 parking ticket and $30 class.

For sure…I got two points when I was 17

91 in a 65 zone.

My insurance did not go up at all, and this was over 5 years.

I seen stupider things happen before…

So you were offered about $100 and a Saturday morning. 2 points don’t mean shit, if they even really offered you that. He probably said 2 parking tickets and no points, since the town would get to keep all the money that way.

How much is this lawyer costing you? It’ll probably make the whole thing go away, but I certainly wouldn’t have gone that route.

when back to court w/ a lawyer today this was my deal :

1 parking ticket
Driving Class
0 points

I seen a lot of stupid mistakes in this thread too…

So you payed more money to save to points. Don’t speed

dont edit posts

i told you!

i wish someone would have bet me. And maybe 2 points doesn’t matter, but they take a long time to come off and they add up quick.

my lawyer ALWAYS said, avoid points at all costs.


Ha the judge laughed at you probably and is not gonna be nice to you in court.

Did you see if the points were even a moving violation points? I got 2 points for a reduced ticket but it was non moving so it didnt change my insurance or anything.

Also, for everyone else… avoid any GUILTY items on your record, points or not.

I had two officers give me “no seatbelt” tickets in my car to give me a break. I pled guilty and paid the fine, never thinking about them again.

I ended up in court almost two years later for a 6 over ticket, and both of them showed up on my record. I had a very hard time getting out of the ticket, and the judge made me go to school even though I told him I had already done it that year. The fine was one of the most expensive I have ever had! SIX miles per hour over… $175 + school. Thanks for the “break” officers…

Talk about irony… I can’t even drive my car without the seatbelt on. It beeps like crazy and the beeping speeds up faster and faster, the longer you wait. Two “No Seatbelt” tickets on my record, and it isn’t even possible.

Dont plead guilty ever. One of the big misconceptions is that people think pleading guilty means you didnt do it. Even if you are obviously guilty for speeding, you still can plead not-guilty. You fucked yourself with your plea when he offered a non moving point violation and class (probably about $200-250 in total fines) and turned it down. Enjoy points on your license or paying $400+ for a lawyer.

If you dont have a record, you usually can request a non-point violation. I got my speeding ticket down to a failure to obey a lawful order (i forgot which type) but it was about $80 and only 2 NON MOVING points so no insurance issues and the ticket was about 21 over on the 81 by Watertown.

You really need to go back and re-read this whole thread.