
So im on the 990 on my way to help my brother landscape. A truck cuts me off as im in the right lane and almost hits me getting over. I downshift into third and rip by him, but while doing that also a state trooper. Now i didn`t even know but i was in a work zone? He said he clocked me at 65,and was a huge dick. Probably new on a power trip. So i got a ticket for a 65 in a 45 + workzone.

So what am i looking at here, i know it isn`t good.

Do i get a lawyer?

Probably won’t need a lawyer, if your license is clean right now.

ricer fly by’s are even worse when you werent racing in the first place

get a lawyer, 20 over AND a work zone, fucked

it is my first ticket ever. and by fucked, what does that consist of?

yeah, don’t listen to joelster. a 20 over alone is a need for a lawyer if you don’t want points. IN a work zone, it’s double the fine and less likley it will be reduced.
You’re lucky you just got let go with those 2 tickets.

My guess is $250 with no points if you get a laywer

what town wer u in, its ur first ticket ur most likly fine depending on the town

amherst which makes it worse.

Not really… my gf is going through the same thing. She had her appearance date and pled not guilty. She got a 16 over in a work zone, and if she said guilty:

  1. $205 fine and 5 points on the license.
  2. Punch her in the baby maker.

Plead not guilty and go back on your court date and accept your reduction.

Just to remind you…5 points will increse your already high insurance rates. A LOT

yea but what are the chances of it even getting reduced.
And i really don`t want 5 points on my license, i would rather get a lawyer for insurance reasons.

I have a good lawyer let me know if u want to use him

And I bet you he was driving a Tahoe. For you, and everyone else checking this thread out, don’t F around on the 990 for a while. I’m on there daily, and it’s ALWAYS patrolled these days.

Get a lawyer. Don’t think twice about it. Much better for you in the long run.

and yes the trooper was driving a tahoe, and just the way he acted i wanted to punch him in the face, he looked like my little brother if i even had one.

How much we looking at for a lawyer?

i just got a 20 over on the 990, 1 previous ticket in the past 18 months. i received 2 $100 parking tix and no points. that work zone could be the catch for your case though.

^^^ so yours wasn`t in a work zone?
Is it even worth talking to the state troopers i know? or is it to late

The whole 990 going north is a work zone right now…

^yeah but yet there’s very little work and it seems the only cones I’ve seen setup have troppers in them :stuck_out_tongue:
In Amherst there is always a deduction, they want the money kept local. I’m sure you can work out a deal.

Im sure the fuck didnt see ANY truck. Amherst will fuck you in the ass with a wire brush if you let them. Do not acept any guilty plea. I would go in on my own and explain the situation. Say you wanted to get away from a shithead truck driver, new car, ect.

If they knock it down to a parking ticket, you take it. Anything else and tell them to eat shit and you will come back with a lawyer.

I explained that to the cop and what did he say? What truck i didn`t see any truch.
I think im just going to get a lawyer, play it safe, and hope it gets reduced enough.
The other option is i know a state trooper who said just make a copy of the ticket and he will see what he can do. Think he can do much?

only 20 over?
