

It is clearly marked a work zone & 45 before you get on the 990, work going on or not.


indeed. i’ve seen this trooper (with tahoe) in 990 before…i remember clearly that it was construction zone as well…the cop simply standing still on the right hand of the thruway…

damn. i was amost got caught myself…i slowed down 10mph or something to the speed limit…

do you guys think it’s possible for this trooper to detect our speed from behind the truck?

Hope for a female judge you pretty ass man.

nope, hes going to mark farrell pound me in the ass court

Most every cop car/truck has radar facing both directions, so to answer you, yes.

do it

Get a lawyer…you really don’t want all those points…you will get a fine and have to pay attorney fees but atleast your license should stay clean and insurance won’t go up. PM me if you need an attorney that is known in Amherst Court.

:bsflag:…I’d like to see your proof on this, and who told you this.

it will cost you more for a lawyer and fines then to just go by yourself. unless the lawyer is free, but your looking at probably a 200+ fine by yourself and maybe a 50 to 100 with a lawyer then 300+ for the lawyer

Good news/bad news.

Good news:
Amherst pretty much always reduces. I very seriously doubt you’d get points, with or without a lawyer.

Bad news:
They base the parking ticket fine on what you originally did, and 20 over in a work zone is going to mean big money. Probably 3 parking tickets of 75-100 each.

it doesnt matter, he can have a million radar detectors on his car. in the end its your word vs his…bottom line, you loose.

They dont normally reduce fines in school/work zones. If your lucky they will reduce it to 2 parking tickets at probably 100, 150 a piece or maybe 3 or 4 parking tickets. if you are a little lucky they will reduce it to a slower speeding ticket but still will stay a speeding ticket and fine you plus surcharge. if your not lucky they will double the fine and tack on points.

i really just dont want points, i know i am going to get fined. I think i am going to go with a lawyer just to save me from getting points hopefully.

i never see cops on the 990, and i’m usually on it everyday… that sucks

you are going to pay out the ass, have fun with that. you dont need a lawyer unless its a misdemeanor or a felon. lawyers cant always help with points, more with fines and attempting to get it all reduced. i think its a waste of money but its your money.

the cost of the fines will be under the cost of the fines + lawyer fees, you have no case. you were speeding in a work zone.

all the people saying get a lawyer, have you ever had one? i have had 3 lawyers, and 1 judge even told me it would probably cost me less to just have gone by myself then to get a lawyer. 2 of the times i needed the lawyer because they were misdemeanor charges. plus you will need a lawyer that has pull in amherst, to better your chances which will cost you a pretty penny.


wow way to make me feel like an ass kevin lol. But there was no construction even around or cones or anything. Just a asshole truck driver and i passed him at the wrong time.

And huge :tup: to stairsrt4 its going to cost me next to nothing for a lawyer and she recommended me getting one (the lawyer). Thanks alot

He better have pull in amherst, because he probably wont be able to do much. they like to make examples of people when they speed in work/school zones

I might have pulled a few strings for you…just make sure you send your ticket in and plead not guilty and let us know the Court date as soon as possible :slight_smile: