

Most every cop car/truck has radar facing both directions, so to answer you, yes.


damn. i was pretty lucky then.

i slowed down to speed limit just about 50-100ft away from the trooper. :bloated:


it doesnt matter, he can have a million radar detectors on his car. in the end its your word vs his…bottom line, you loose.


:bloated:… I know how it works lol. I am just curious who told him that they have radar mounted on front in back, and if he had anything he could show that would prove this.

I have 6 points on my license and my insurance never went up. I think its based more on credit now. I pay next to nothing for my mine.

lawyers only really work magic if they know/are in with the DA at the court you have the ticket at. if its just some joe schmoe lawyer then dont bother for a regular traffic ticket.


lawyers only really work magic if they know/are in with the DA at the court you have the ticket at. if its just some joe schmoe lawyer then dont bother for a regular traffic ticket.


this kid is lucky the attorney he is hiring is in pretty good with Amherst DA and it doesn’t hurt that she is a good looking lawyer either :wink:

bret this ticket better not interfere with the e30 clutch i dont want that shit in my garage till next summer… but i wont fuck you like Amherst court will… j/k man


this kis is lucky the attorney he is hiring is in pretty good with Amherst DA and it doesn’t hurt that she is a good looking lawyer either :wink:




Please, steve you miss having one of our cars in your garage. And it gives us something to do and a reason to drink an insane amount of beer. I`m looking at clutches now so shut your mouth.


doesn’t hurt that she is a good looking lawyer either :wink:


She single? lol Maybe i can bring her down in price with some of my tall dark and handsome charm


^^^ so yours wasn`t in a work zone?
Is it even worth talking to the state troopers i know? or is it to late


I was passed the work zone near sweethome. I was tired of driving 45 and late for work so i sped up a lot to make up some time. I was goin pretty fast, saw the cops tail end and hit the brakes, but only got to 85 when he gunned me. I forgot I have to take a 5 hour course that costs $25 aside from my tix. Hope yours goes alright.

i believe i was passed sweet home. i am going to go drive out there tomorrow where i got pulled over and check it out. I even asked the cop after he handed me the ticket if it was a work zone because i didnt even think it was.

lol, im gunna need to see some pics of said good looking lawyer. preferably in a sexy suit looking all professional but with boobies and stuff hanging out.lol

anyway, sorry to here bret. I once got 2 tickets on the 290 amherst, and it ended up costing me just over 700 dollars. Amherst will rape your pretty little ass. But i had priors sothey laid into me pretty hard and told me i was gunna loose my license. i never lost my license but i did have to pay 700bucs.:frowning:

can you go yell at the judge for me john?

didnt work last time, and it probably wont work this time either. I can probably get ya some jail time? im good at that.lol


i believe i was passed sweet home. i am going to go drive out there tomorrow where i got pulled over and check it out. I even asked the cop after he handed me the ticket if it was a work zone because i didnt even think it was.


best bet to get it dropped out of a workzone, is call the town that its in and ask who to talk to about constrction then take pictures of no signs. thats if there isnt any signs.

well had court today, ended up with two parking tickets and school. 250 Total and no points so not to bad,.

lucky asshole!