Got my first ticket!!!

Just wondering what I may be in for. I got a ticket about 1 this morning for “speed not reasonable & prudent”. Like the title says, this is my first ticket. I’v gone 11 years without one- so this is all new to me. Anyone ever get this one? and if so, what happened when you went to court? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

define not reasonable and prudent…

The big question is where did you get it?

Buffalo doesn’t negotiate. It’s worth going to court because the lazy fucker might not show up, then you get dismissed, but other than that you’re getting the ticket.

State police supposedly no longer plea bargin. I posted a link about it. I have my doubts about the legality of this policy since it should be up to the DA/Judge (judicial branch) not the state police (enforcement branch) to decide how a case is handled.

Most of the burbs will plea it down to a parking ticket.

Yeah because when they plea it down the town gets the money instead of the state.

This is why I started this. . .I’m not sure what I’m in for.

I got it in NT.

it’s a megar ticket … even lover than a parking ticket i would say … i’ve gotten every one of these thrown out.

you can get this ticket for going the speed limit or below it in heavy rain or snow. basically the cop felt you were going to fast at the time for the conditions.

I got that ticket about a month ago and they reduced it to a $90 parking ticket and school???

I just got a ticket now a 47 in a 30. I guess im going to court in october.

thats residential man… slow it down a notch. that one might be tough to get pleaded down

Well I was following traffic on Eggert. To me it was a little fishy cause I shifted lanes in front of an unmarked car I couldent have been going much faster than he was. And I was already slowing down for a traffic light… so… i dunno. I think he was just pissed that I shifted lanes before the traffic light and made him stop a little shorter than he wanted.

Oh well I guess better that than ramming into the car parked on the side of the road occupying a lane of traffic.

He had the radar not me. So I have no idea. I didnt seem like I was going too fast but I wasent really paying all that much attention.

In what city or town?

OK…whats the back story on this?

Now how this works;

1.Go to court on given date, site in the court room with roughly 5-50people and wait till your name gets called. (you will get to watch lots of people go up and see how the whole shit-bang unfolds)

2.You will go in front of the judge, he will ask you how u plea, you say, “not guilty” or “guilty…but, would like to go to school”, ect. (not guilty, usually the best response)

3.Judge will either allow u to plea “not guilty” and tell u to come back so the D.A. and u can set up a time for school and the lower fine, or dismissed, ect. OR the judge will be having a bad day and stick it to u. (tip: no matter how annoying, aggrivating this shit is…kiss the judge’s ass, ex:" yes, your honor/sir" no “yup/nope” answers.)

4.Come back to court on the next scheduled date, sign in, get called to talk to DA or u will get called in front of the judge and the DA will go up with u, they will set the fine and/or date for schooling.

  1. Go to school, try not to fall asleep.

  2. go back to court with slip from school (proof that u went) pay fine.

  3. The End

Good Luck

BTW: those tickets can be dismissed if ur a good b.s.'er :wink: or they vary between $50-$200 depending on if the cop adds his side or not.

i got that same ticket once.
i went to court. i was going to fight it because it seemed so vague, but court was killing my work day so i just took the plea of 2 points and a $100 fine.
the cop also happened to scribble in that i was doing over double the speed limit, so i figured it was a good deal.
i had done some research online and it could probably hold up on its own given the cop probably provided details with it.

Go to court 45 min early… you will get out about 2 hours early.

Talk to the DA, plea it down to a parking ticket and possibly school. Try to, respectfully, talk your way out of school, and if he doesn’t budge, no biggie, $25 and 4 hrs of your Saturday. Dress appropriately for court, I have a suit that should fit you if you need to borrow one. Address the court with respect, and walk out paying a very small fine, no points, and maybe school.

This isn’t technical in the least…post this shit in off topic or gen auto maybe

That sucks, good luck.


Moved to Gen Auto… since it is a vehicular ticket.

imprudent speed (basically u were going speed unreasonable for the area or weather condition, either the cop didnt know how fast u were going or he let u off and gave u imprudent speed, if u were going excessivly fast be happy he didnt give a speeding ticket)

about 150 bucks (cant remember exactly)
and 3 points

cuz i was too lazy to go to court

good luck

no points 100 dollar fine relax or school 100 dollar fine. thats how nt works

Moved to Offtopic.