Speeding ticket

Don’t speed on sixth line past trafalgar, through the farm deserted areas towards the in the middle of no where golf course towards milton. Asshole cops there (three of them) pulling people over literally like flies. Just when I was pullde over they pulled over five other people and I’m not exagerating. Assholes.

They sat their asses in the tall bushes on a farm/marsh area and point the gun. Furthermore they sat their asses in the 50 zone which lasts only like a few 100 meters and before and after its a 80 zone.

Furthermore its farmland with like no houses and the houses you have to drive up to them. Even animals are rare not to mention human beings. And furthermore its a damn open road with open fields you can see things for a mile away unlike these assholes that are hiding in bushes.

Smartasses giving 50 zone tickets to an 80 zone before/after area. Even people who are just going 80km/hr are going to get 30 over tickets cause of these fucken assholes.

May they rot in hell. I just got a good job finally for the last month, paying off bills, paying off debts, trying to rent an appartment for my wife and I, trying to buy the necessities of life, trying to build our lives slowly and these assholes…


Go fuck yourself bitch, and your 120billion dollar worth. Fucken whore of whore.

These assholes were filling their ticket quota like crazy, last day of the month, plenty of people speeding on farm lands + in a sweet spot only a 100 meters long between two 80 zones and all farm land marsh high grass.

Fuck you fuck you fuck and fuck you again.

I was saving up money for a second car as well and was saving up money to buy a new engine and a bunch of other stuff (at least planning all these as I have to get rid of mine and my wife’s debts first).

Fuck… I have zero respect for cops and I hope they all burn in hell and get cursed. May his greedy ass suck off cock and loose all the money for ruining my state of life. And damn fucken right i’m fighting it, and this time I’m looking for a lawyer.

I wish i could somehow sue these cops personally and take all their fucken positions just like that idiot who sued a washing company for 5milloin dollars or something cause of his pants (but he lost lol).

Gay ass system. “You have been served sir” LOL fucken asshole. “OWNED” in a polite asshole way.

Okay dude… how much did you get caught speeding for?

I’ve passed enough cops coming home from work, all pointing their gun.

I must have not gotten pulled over for a reason. Oh that’s right, I was respecting the speed limits.*

You probablly got pulled over for going more than 10 over. So you broke the law. And now you’re cursing these cops to hell for a law they’re just enforcing, and the one you just disobyed? Wow.

Everyone who gets a ticket starts cursing cops. Do you ever take the chance to understand why?

If the COPS aren’t going to clean up your streets, who do you think is? Your fucking God and your prayers?


Ever since i got caught speeding 50kmh above. i definitely learnt my lesson and i am always VERY aware of how fast i’m going. I rarely speed. i’m too scared.

haha nice jab.

It was more towards someone saying that about me :o

i hear you about the 100 feet of 50km zone. fuck the stupid mother fucking police. its not just the fucking point of 10km over everyone every fucking day drives over 10k past so dont give us that shit… this guy is trying to make a life and the fucking police do there best to fuck us over. let me know how this ticket shit goes man. FUCK I HATE COPS!! good luck

Cleaning the streets? LOL, what a load of bullshit. Cash cow assholes.

Don’t act like some cute little goodie good boy and how you are such a law obiding citizen. Load of horseshit.

Cleaning streets like toronto of assholes, thugs, gangs, drug dealers, prostitutes, rapists and thieves is what they should be doing.

Legalizing weed sure helps keep society safe. GREAT LAWS for the majesty the queen! WoOO WOO

Farmer mcdonald was not threatened by me cruising home by his 50km wide deserted farm.

Sorry but me stopping 400meters before he pulled me over and coming to a complete stop from 40km/hr slowly to his desired “move to the side bitch” location certainly did not endanger farmer mcdonald’s chickens who lives 1km away from the entrance of his farm.

if I was even speeding say 65 or something in a 50 zone in town it shouldn’t be much an issue, even if i was going 80 and i am able to slow down. But getting screwed over in a fucken farm? Oink on that bitches. Piggy wants more coins not the well being of others.

Doing 100+ in a 50 zone in town = Different story.

What’s more great is that they were in a sort of buffer zone of only 100m which had a 50km sign, right before and after was an 80km zone. In other words they were being little bitches. So anyone who doesn’t even notice the 50 sign and continues going 80 will be fucked over which was exactly what was going on.

Go street racers yaaa minivan racers wooo cops are so s.m.r.t.

Anyone who goes “yeah you deserve it” especially on this forum is nothing but a bitch hypocrite.

No sane person will support the money grabbing new laws.

Putting me in jail, giving me a huge ass fine, increasing my insurance or taking my car away or even worse crushing my car if it were to happen definetely won’t make me feel sorry or more respectful towards politicians or pigs or be a ‘better obiding citizen’. It’ll make me feel less respect and realize more and more how much of a bunch of greedy $$$ pigs they are.

Do you honestly feel you are endangering people going 70 in a 50 or 60 zone when there is an open road for you?


Look there’s a chicken in danger on that road omg wow give me a ticket… fags. The road was in the middle of no where, completely flat with only a few ups and downs and practically no bends except the one S curve. You could see for a mile+ from one end to another.

When i got caught going 140kmh on the DVP (90km zone), it around 4:30am and the road was COMPLETELY empty. It’s not as bad as trying to go that fast in rush hour traffic but it’s still speeding. Like I said, I learnt my lesson.

Ahmed, how fast were you going? Did they reduce the ticket for you? Based on your attitude though, I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t.

And just stop bitching. Book a court date and plead guilty with an explanation, and then you can explain to them that it was on a farm area and talk about farmer mcdonalds and you can print out that pic to show to him.

Shit happens. Get over it, move on.

If you wanna go fast, go to the track.

Your car is definitely done up well for the track but I never see you there.

I shoulda been like sasha and ran for it lol but he got house arrest cuz of his mom ratting him out lolll… so gay.

I’m getting a lawyer most likely not ex-cop this time. (I already have that one turning on a red light ticket which was totally gay booking for sept). Then this speeding booking is in a month…

And I haven’t had time to go to track, plus shanonville is 300 damn km… plus now i sure as hell wont be able to afford track time even though i was saving a little money. Was just planning to buy a helmet too for autocross…

30 over in a city anywhere should be worth nothing. I’m sure but do you honestly feel you are endangering and unable to stop when you do that. I can’t believe 30 over is so much points. 50 over alright unless you have some good damn argument. But unfortunately thats not how things work.

50 over in country side cruising or whatever in my opinion shouldnt be damn issue, but hey…

I don’t like the laws lol, i wana change them… just as the gay outdated 100km highway speed. Should be 140 as most people cruise at that speed anyways. Cars don’t flip over and the wheel doesn’t bounce around like we’re in the 1950s.

Hah, if I recall right the speed limit of 60mph was set when shelby cobra went 180mph+ or so on the highway that was when in the 1950s? That’s actually half the speed he went… My info is not 100% but something like that… I think we’re a little over half a century over that time.

I’m still unsure as to how fast you were actually going when the police pulled you over?

You went 87 over in a 55 zone. Quit yer bitching already.

Dude, 55 zone? What are you, American?

What a hypocrite and that was today. “I don’t speed anymore” lmao . Stop being a hypocrtical fag.

How fast were you going?

It was 137km/hr in an 80 in the outskirts not in the city. HOWEVER, there was one small 100meter area (again no houses/nothing) where it was 50km/hr. The cops happen to be trapping everyone there. Five other people (literally not exageration) were pulled over while I was pulled over. So even if I was going 80km/hr I’d still get 30 over regardless. Totally gay.

I never speed in city and on highway I just cruise 130, sometimes I speed a little but when there’s no one around and then stop (too much temptation and too many cops on highway). City = never. Unlike my street racing companion over here who is so concerned and baffled at my uber tyte race car (lmao).

So yea…

i got booked along the same lines as you.

shut up. pay the ticket, sell your 240, learn your lesson, get a new car.

doesn’t matter where it was. speeding is speeding.

as my friends becoming cops would say, “If cops catch you breaking the law they must repremand you. If they were to let you go they would not be enforcing the law which is in there job description.”

It would be the same as you not giving your fluffers to all those well hungs in between shoots. ITS THERE JOB TO BOOK YOU. Dont break the law, and they have nothing to get you for. I know with all the stupid law bs going on right now, but that isn’t official yet so you can’t use that one.

Ahmed, you’re an idiot if you think I’m serious about street racing. Btw, I’ve seen you post about you going 200kmh. What’s that about? Stop being a hypocrite dude.

Good luck

It’s a good wake-up call to anyone about to speed excessivly. We all speed, i’ve done stupid stuff before and can’t say it pales in comparison to A_Ahmed’s ticket.

The problem today is the fact that all attention is directed at the “tuner” scene. Any modified car driven by a post-pubecent adolcence male will be targeted.

Some of the quiet readers on the board, the seemingly mature members may be thinking, “I’ll speed but smartly”. Wrong, awareness is heightened, grandma’s are calling the cops and the cops are responding. Why do the cops respond, public relations.

I drove 105km/hr on the QEW/403 this morning. Unheard of for me, but I’m afraid that my old habits will land me a ticket and the wrong attention. My dad always taught me 5-10km/hr over the post limit is “safe” but 15km/hr is risking it. I never believed him, my last ticket was over 4 years ago but I’ve continued my habits and taught myself that the speeds I drive on the highway is safe and almost un-reproachable. With today’s event’s I will be cautious and drive with restraint. I hope.