Ahmed, just grow up. There is a 55 zone for a reason, they don’t arbitrarily change speed limits.
You shouldn’t be going 137km/h in an 80km/h zone either. Catching speeders is pretty much just a cash grab for the province in most cases, but not yours. You were going stupidly fast in low visibility. If anyone of the “hypocrites” on here has done it, they were aware of the risks, as you were. You got caught going way too fast, now you have to deal with it.
And don’t trash talk other members when you don’t know what you’re speaking about. Or I’ll ban you.
Once again, I was joking about that street racing comment. And the FASTEST I’ve EVER got caught at, was 140kmh on the DVP. And since that day, I have learnt my lesson. I didn’t go bitching about it on SON.
Like Axlerod said, grow up.
a_ahmed you are an official retard. No offence dude but there is a speed limit for a reason.
One of the reasons it would go to a 50 is because there are more houses in that area and there could be kids playing. There are alot of deaf kids in the milton area maybe there are some on that road and thats why it goes to 50. Think about things before you say them.
you also have to remember milton is a huge area for cyclist’s. I am one of them. There have been people killed because of stupid people going way faster than they should. On tremain 4 years ago a man was hit by a truck because the truck didnt move over enough etc etc.
And u say u do 65 in 50 in TOWN!? you are mental. Thats just plane stupid. Come on man its a 50 for a reason. Its obvouisly in town so theres lots of kids on bicycles. Do you know the difference between hitting someone on a bike at 65 and 50? i certaintly do because i was hit by a car doing 60 but he managed to break in time to hit me going 45 after he breaks. Now lets say he was going 50. his breaking probably would have stopped him down to 20 and i wouldnt have been in the hospital for months, and have a major brain injury, in a coma for 3 days, have my family say good bye to me because i wasnt expeceted to live. It sucked it took me almost a year before i was back to normal. Thats why theres speed limits
Its assholes like you who take innocent peoples lives. Oh its 50 ill do 65. wait no everyone does 65 why dont i do 70 its just 5 more than traffic. then next thing you know u take someones life and u cant live with yourself. Cars are dangerous and i dont think u understand this yet.
Grow up do the limits. when ur out at 1am in a well deserted area(unlike 6th line in milton where theres alot of houses, and little kids) and on the highway do what u want and live with ur consequences, but dude dont blame the cops for doing their job, they are trying to keep areas safe its what they do. U have no idea
Ahh this topic makes me so mad.
Holy shit…go cry on someone else forum. My god man what are we your AA support group here. I cant believe I just read this shit, I want my 5 minutes back.
Seriously grow the fuck up.