Outside my School Yesterday

So, Today outside my school the cops were doing radar, like they always do since the road goes from a 60 zone, to a 40 zone, and they catch mad speeders.

But anyway Around 230, a street bike was clocked going 150kmh in a 40, As the biker realized he had been clocked he pulled a U-turn and started heading North on Harmony, The biker made it to to the first main intersection where he saw that a cruiser had spotted him. The biker ran the ran the red going 200+ and hit a car making a left turn from adelaide onto Harmoney. The biker hit the car so hard, that car spun and looked like it got hit by a Transport truck. The bike flew hundreds of feet, and so did the rider. The rider was instantly dead, and the driver was hurt pretty bad.

I’m bored so i thought i’d just share what happened outside my school yesterday, kinda crazy though.

Never chase a bike, it always ends 2 ways.

  1. The biker gets away
  2. He dies.

Damn, heard about this yesterday on the news…shitty buzz

hmm cant find any pics, car got raped hard.

may rest in peace.

owned by physics

Damn…just outside your school huh? That’s quite random…

Another reason why the law is fucken retarded, the guy knew that if he got pulled over he’s fucked so he risked it and ran for it and voila.

I guess a potential fine and suspended license was worth more to him than his own life and the others he put in danger.

He deserved it in my opinion.

Is a potential $10,000 fine worth more than your life + the lives of others you possibly put in danger?

alraedy posted in the stunt driving thread…

He deserved it, but at the same time, i dont remember where i heard this from but arent cops not allowed to chase bikes for that same very reason? can someone verify this for me?

I don’t think its a rule but just a given. Family full of metro cops and they all say they wouldn’t chase a bike…not worth it.

yeah i figured as much, too much risk from the motorcyclist going splat, like the case we have here

stories like this confuse me, and i also remember that time when some guy was going like 200 down martingrove+steeles. There was another one a while ago too about a guy driving drunk in a minivan on finch west, he was also going ~200 and crashed into another car killing pretty much everyone. Not only am i wondering WHAT it is they are doing going that fucking fast, but also i’m beginning to feel like they’re doing it on purpose for whatever reason. who really thinks that they’re going to get away going 200 on a 60 street? has anyone here ever even considered it? fuck, most cars take forever to even reach that fast. In this case it was a bike, fine, but these people are just retarted even thinking about it. i just dont understand their logic.

this is what is supposed to happen.

make the punishment fit the crime and they wont run.

or… bikers should run, just a little slower

He got what was coming, he risked himself and others. I only hope the other driver ends up being ok.

might get flamed for this but… we shouldnt talk about dead persons being right or wrong.

do understand he took it over the limit doing 200 on local but hey… you can reach 180 in matter of time so… he probably didnt even know he was doing 200. just my 2 cent. drive safe people~

a 10 000 dollar fine + my car impounded + a suspension woulkd ruin me

Not for life. Besides, does anyone know of anyone that has actually gotten a $10,000 fine?

^ I think its only 6 people so far out of the potential hundreds or thousands of people pulled over.

I myself got pulled for going 112 in a 60 zone. (80 zone turned into a 60, midnight blah blah)

He asked how fast I was going, I said 112. He chuckled. told me to be more safe then let me go without any ticket.

I really do think we have to give the dead respect and not discuss whether or not he was in the wrong or not. This is a human that died pay your respects thats it

it is illegal for a cop to chase a sports bike BY LAW.
BECAUSE it is so dangerous… im sure the cop just turned around to follow, but not give chase…
anyhow… brutal… guy shoulda just ran slower… cop cant chase anyways…