Yeah i thought so, Thanks for confirming for me
but every single one of those cops will chase you even worst they will even block you. my nephew got screwed over few years back when they blocked him off getting out of the qew.
When did LAWS start mattering to cops? They get off… like a cheap malaysian…
Ride or Die.
Thers lots of IF’s in this situation.
IF the biker wasnt speeding
IF the cops did chase.
I belive if the cops didnt chase, there wouldnt have been this situation.
^ best answer to this ever. just hey just drive/ ride normal… you ll be okay lol ps: hows your 180 doing after that hit and run?
Saying he deserved death is a bit harsh. He made a midsjudement and it cost him his life. I dont think it was deserved at all. If anything, a fine, not death. There are plenty more, far more deserving of that.
New perspective: traffic guys are thinking he turned around to taunt them again.
Why turn around? Why not keep going the way he’s going. I think it makes sense but the SIU will figure it out anyways
He got clocked, and when he realized he pulled a U-turn and dipped, well tried
cops chase bikes all the time, whoever tells you different is full of shit…
Yea, but it doesent mean its not stupid. If a cop chases a bike there just asking for a death, or people to be seriously injured
Why turn around back toward the cops…doesnt make sense…
Any time I see a cop and I think they’ve got me I keep going maybe try to get off on a side road…never turn around and go back…seems fishy
doesnt matter whether the cop is going to chase… still is a legality issue. nobody here can say itll still hold up… nobody here is a lawyer…
why chase… once u have plate numbers… just go knock on their door… they are coming home eventually…
and thats exactly wat a cop told me… well i guess at least a good one…
to bad most of full of shit… oh and donuts… …mayb the biker shouldnt have died… shoulda been the cop?
weaves… - mayb there was a center divider? could be possible…no?
My understanding of the situation from some traffic buddies are…
He got dinged cop came on the road like they usually do, to wave you down. He whizzed by then turned around…as far as i know the cop DIDN’T chase.
He turned around for some reason and flew back only to get hit in the next intersection.
There is no centre divider.
I believe he was taunting them, but thats my opinion.
These are all rumors we wont know until the report comes out.
There is no actual “law” on chasing bikes its just a rule they inforce
There is no centre divider, its a 4 lane road, 2 on each side, and ts never busy at all.
My thoughts were he turned around towards home? Kinda makes sence right, the road is super long, wide and smooth, if he didnt get hit, he would have gotten away.
I think people tend to let off the deceased too easily regardless of what they do.
I’m not trying to justify that what I’m about to say is any better than what he did, but it’s not like he was doing 200km/h on an empty highway at 4am in the morning.
He was going 150km/h in a 40 zone at 2:15pm on a weekday! And it’s a school zone too. While attempting to run, also probably hit speeds of 200km/h?
Also, he was not an 18 year old kid that didn’t know better. This guy was 31 years old. If he was that stupid to pull a stunt like that during the day in a school zone, he’s not someone that deserves to be part of society. Period.
This was the area he was in:
How would you feel if you had a son/daughter/cousin that went to that school?
Just because someone dies doing something stupid, doesn’t mean that it won’t carry over to the grave.
News story < Actual story; conspiracy theory?
You gotta pay the price for doing stupid shit.
In this guy’s case, yeah he died (R.I.P.) but that was his price for deciding to do what he did, Every pleasure has its consequence.
If he decided to stop and just take it, then he’d still be alive but that was his choice.
in the lives saved slash death column put one up for the deaths caused by the new law…he wouldnt have run had the ticket been a regular fine and points plus it was probably a school safety zone so double the fines
^^ No, When you are speeding 110km over the limit in a school zone at 2:15 it’s your fault you died. MUCH different if its on the 407 at 3am.
I don’t feel sorry for the guy at all, imagine he hit your child or sister, I would kill him myself. One less dumb fuck on the road.
---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------
Ya he must have been a real winner. 31 years old and trying to look cool showing off his bike in front of a high school. I wish he was my friend.