Street BIke Red running from cops bridgeville

so i was crusiing in the black camaro with teh wife we where headed to dukes station…to watch the ufc fight

i get off 79 at the kerwen hights exit and i hear thank god he had a loud exaust

this street bike gunning it towards the red light if i didnt hear the bike it would of been bad news i would of hit him for sure.

anyways asshole flies past me…and goes to pass another car in the turning lane…right next to it whiped around…and cause that car to be startled and it swevred and smashed right into the curb (messing the wheel up bad and poped ball joing)

i went over to the car said to wife thats odd he is running…whoo whoo bike come comes flying up i yell and point to the right cop nods and takes off…


you almost got creamed by me cause two older couple to wreck there car…

if you guys are gonna be ashholes on the street dont cause other people accidents…or even worse get your self killed…

i susprised i didnt see a post on here today about some kid getting killed on a bike in bridgeville…cause id be damn susprised if he got away with out dumping the bike the way he was riding.

There was a fatal in Moon Twp, could it be the same one?

Edit: Never mind that was a 57 year old guy

nope this was a young punk

tee shirt on…he was comming off the highway…south bound…

if i didnt hear his exhaust i would of hit him i was comming off the exit ramp and needed to move over to left lane looked one clear looked twice clear started turning her the bike flying look damn whiped to the right…

he wouldent of surrived cause if i would of hit him and then known it was from running from the cops i would of killed him…

especially if he would of f up the camaro i just washed and waxed it and a black car suxs to wash and wax

Running from the cops on a bike is just retarded. I got pulled over the other day on Cliff Mine road for riding a wheelie going about 15mph and as I was doing it a cop came around the corner (unmarked Explorer) and I was bringing the front wheel down… but he saw enough of it, and I saw enough of him to know it was a cop… he whipped around in the middle of the road and I had plenty off enough time to gun it up through the woods right where I pulled over… wasnt worth it though, especially since he let me off with just an ear beating.

I didn’t know you got a new Camaro. You still have the Yukon?

I dont wanna sound like a gear nazi but I saw some dude riding this weekend with no shirt on, shorts (I am guilty of myself every once and awhile), he did have a helmet but then he had a girl on the back with fucking flip flops, she had no helmet, and a beater and jeans on… I couldnt fucking believe someone would be that stupid to ride 2 up with what they had on and on top of that he was riding around like a fucking idiot weaving in between traffic on 60

Ya he still has the Yukon… he says the Camaro is his wifeys :rolleyes:

I cant fucking stand that shit either wife beaters shorts, and flip flops are not fucking riding apparel!!! God seeing that shit pisses me off .

I saw this fat sloppy fuck on a Harley riding down Campbell’s Run Rd with no shirt, no helmet, cut off jeans shorts, and sandals. People are brave. It is funny how I can get a ticket for driving w/o a seatbelt but he can ride like that.

As bad as this is going to sound there should be a law againist riding with out proper protection

I was sitting in traffic on 279 a couple days ago and two jackoffs were buzzing in between the cars on matching gixxers. No helmet, white T’s, jeans and tims on. I was waiting (and secretly hoping) a car would switch lanes and those idiots ended up in someone’s back seat.

EDIT: It was right under the “Motorcycle Awareness Month” sign too.

I always tell people, the helmet may save your dome in many wrecks, but boots, pants, gloves/sleeves will save your skin and massive pain ANY time you go down.

There are plenty of low-speed incidents, one at 10mph would do some carnage to any exposed skin, but often your head doesn’t hit the pavement.

The seatbelt law is complete BS, total nanny state garbage. There is no chance of it hurting someone else, just a garbage excuse to fine people. They might as well call it the seatbelt tax.

The said bike didn’t happen to be a Yamaha? Some twat this morning at like 6:30 on Route 19 going north past South Hills Village flew by me and another car that was paralell to me. Seriously if either one of us would’ve swerved either way he’s done. I’m really irriratated by this because some of the people are complete morons who cannot handle driving a bike w/o driving like a complete asshat. They give people on bikes a bad rep and it’s not fair but come on, chances are if you hit something you’re going to be worse off than a person behind something on 4 wheels.

Yup… and everybody wonders why motorcycle insurance is high lol

sportbike>police bike
sportbike>police car
sportbike<tractor trailer truck inching through an intersection(with or without shag behind the wheel)

I don’t understand the whole running thing…or the whole chasing thing when it comes to bikes…but oh well…make your own decisions

paying in a year what typical people pay every month for something with 4 wheels is high?

yep luv the yukon

but daily drive the camaro and just use the yukon for camping fishing and hauling shit,

still got the trans am and the wifes passat

to many cars…

Cool…I know I seen you a few times in the Yukon on Bus. 60…what year camaro…ss?

You ever drive the TA? I haven’t seen that thing in a while.

99 black z28

ta crossing fingers should be done this firday… the wild man and welder fab guy jeff…went crazy on it and did one hell of a turbo set up…

with a 4 inch exhaust…its gonna be fun…long time in the making but well worth it

If your young. My buddy (22yo) had liability on his Gixxer 600 and he was paying $600/year. I wanted to get an R6 but had to put full coverage on it and they wanted $1,500/year… and I had 1 wreck which was clear by a full year and no tickets at the time I got the quote. Then my other buddy has liability on his YZF600 and he was 23 at the time and was paying roughly 500/year or something. My buddy with a 08’ Night Train who just turned 23 was paying about $100/month for full coverage and it was only dropped to $75/month just this year.

So ya, for something most dont even drive more than 9 months outta the year… id say thats pretty expensive considering my truck cost me $800/year including additional coverage for alot of my mods, and I can drive it year round.

how about th va state troopers that have hayabusa’s?

thats awesome…

morons run from cops. good riders dont get bothered by cops. and i hope the camaro is doin good for you spangs…