Bike Accidents

Figured i should start a thread just to see the responses…personal experiences of other riders. Since i started riding…maybe a month or so ago…I’ve had two “Driver didn’t see or LOOK for a motorcyclist” close calls…scary is all I can say…one was at an intersection to a shopping plaza and rt30/ardmore blvd where a driver was stopped in the lane traveling next to me and the opposing lane on the other side…driver opposing me decides to try and pull into the shopping plaza…i had literally less than a second to react. Second was on 376 when you get to the tunnels coming from downtown where its shut down to one lane and a driver decides to hurry and jump over as he is nearing the cones…I had maybe a second or two to react. I’ve been reading articles on bike accidents online today and some of this shit just doesn’t make sense…a rider going so fast when he hit a van it killed him and the 4 inside on top of FLIPPING the van…100mph on a bike with rider(650lbs roughly) is somewhere around what…114ft/tons of kinetic energy?:eek4:

Assuming 650 lb for bike & rider, and 5000 lb for a van/passengers, a bike traveling at 100 mph has the same kinetic energy as the van going ~36 mph. The velocity term is squared so it has a big effect.

there are two types of riders ones who have and ones who will

I only had one incident (not counting the low flying turkeys) where a guy started pulling out right in front of me.

So I was the type of rider who hadn’t yet, but the bike was sold before I became the type that did. I do miss it at times though.

not yet. but i did come to a stop to talk to a buddy and set my bike down in slowmotion. i was hurt very bad. err… my emotions were hurt very bad

Dropped the first GS500 back in '01 or '02.

Mid-autumn/low speed parking lot entry, dew on pavement and very smooth sealing surface = dumped it on throttle application exiting in turn. Yes, I was being a squiddy idiot, as my MSF teacher warned me about fall pavement being slicker than pig snot in the morning.

It came around and lowsided so fast I thought I was going to need an x-ray for the concussion.

Yes, I had on full safety gear (long sleeved leather jacket, full face helmet, long pants, gloves).

Also, picked the bike up (it was still running) and took it into a parking stall like “nothing to see here, move along”. Luckily I was still young enough to bounce instead of break.

The next year, I had three close calls during the whole year, but ALL in one day.

First, I almost got nailed leaving work by some bitch on her cell phone.

Then, a (goddamn fucking old bastard) person apparently didn’t see my turn signal at the intersection of 136 and Brownlee road and as I was turning left in front of him, he starts pulling out on me too. Luckily, the ass-steering wheel worked.

The best one was later on in Downtown Monongahela. I’m on the main drag, heading south…I come down to three blocks within the McD’s and if you’ve ever driven there, you know this “kink” in the road where the people coming from the river side stop behind a telephone pole exactly where they’d never be able to see a motorcycle coming? Again, stupid bitch pulls up, I see her but she never even saw me. I locked the ass end up, stood on the pegs and somehow slid it sideways around the ass end of her car. I was lucky nobody else was coming the other way.

I stopped riding for a few days after that day to think if it was really worth it.

Used to commute almost 50 miles daily. I had more close calls than I can remember. My bad wreck was my fault though. Pretend like you are invisible when you ride.

A couple of the closest ones:
I was on the turnpike half way between here and harrisburg. The car in the left lane had a blow out and spun around. So the car behind it swerved into my lane. I had to swerve off the road with both wheel locked up. That was scary.

Another time I was leaned way into a turn and, for whatever reason, there was a dump truck parked in the middle of a 2 lane road. Missed it by inches at about 60.

Its so different now being on a bike too…i would always go “wow that dude is crazy” when someone would blow past me on the parkway on a bike…i was out with two guys the other day riding from my area towards another destination(wont say because of what i’m about to say), we are on 376 and i knew that one of the guys was a stunter…drop cage…beat up bike that wasn’t even 3 years old…and about 20psi in his rear tire…he signals for me and the other guy to drop back…almost into what appears to be a “protection” formation…so we do…next thing you know he into a highchair wheelie…i’m thinking to myself “omg that is awesome” then i look in my mirrors and realize how many cars are still around us…if he would have dumped it…even with myself and the other guy a good distance behind him creating a buffer…there still would be a great chance of someone getting hit…scary shit…

that’s why I bought the camaro…was gonna get a harley…just didn’t want to deal with it had a very close call where it could of been worse eneded up with bad rash and broken hand…

no way I could of avoid the wreck…nothing I could do lady hit me backed out no look no insurance…didn’t live in pa no job no assest…still have a suit against her but nothing to get…

ill go fast in a car I may get another bike but right just have no desire to ride

This is my third year riding. I always stay away from any cars. If there is a merge lane then I’m on the other side of the road in case no one sees me. I never ride beside a car unless I’m in traffic. Just be safe and you won’t have any stupid accidents (just the occasional ones). never go faster than double the speed limit unless you know it’s safe.

Always watch whats on the ground. gravel etc. get a feeling for how much grip you have in the rain or on gravel etc.

I’ve had a few close ones but not any more than when I’m in a car.

I always carry when I ride. Someone crashing into me is just like someone trying to kill me. if possible I’ll unload.

riding makes me feel so safe in a car. I mean, You have to try to get hurt in a car accident.

I’ve been hearing from a reliable source to stay away from the type of guys who stunt on public roads…my plate gets written down just because i’m with them…and i take the bullet…with that said…any responsible riders out there need another riding partner?

I’m down. I don’t do stupid shit. I get my thrills going fast in a car, and I get my two-wheeled thrills in the dirt.
Road riding on two wheels for me is just about the freedom and zen-like feeling I get from it. I have no need to take either wheel off the ground when riding on the street.


You sound like a dumbass. if i ever hit you while i’m driving ill make sure to kill you.

i dont get it, is that the response you are trying to get?

your going to shoot someone because you are traveling double the speed limit and got fucked up?

That may rank up there with some of the dumbest comments EVAR on pittspeed…:down:

If he comes back to defend himself on that comment…this thread may be on its way to the archives after a few healthy pittspeeder responses :x:

Your a fucking idiot honestly theres no way around saying that. ive seen some really dumb shit said on pittspeed by far the stupidest thing ive ever seen

I pray he comes back to defend himself because theres no defense justifying what he said. And most of the time in most motorcycle accidents you normally get hurt right? whats he gonna do get up off the ground and just start shooting. I mean my dad rides harleys my dads a pagan so when he wears his colors my dad carries but im gonna tell you right now its not to shoot people that drive like assholes in cars because if that be the case there would be alot of dead people

I always carry brass knuckles when I grocery shop. Someone bumping into my cart is the same as starting a fight. if possible I’ll swing. :mrT: :smiley:

People that run their mouths like that are typically full of shit. I bet if he pulled a gun on me he would freeze up and I would take it off of him and pistol whip the fuck out of him

unfortunately so

let the fun begin!!