Bike Accidents


i was on my zx6rr and a lady crossed all 4 lanes of route 8 at 65 mph and hit me head on . i got internal bleeding and short term memory loss, she said she didnt see my lime green bike and she was trying to turn before traffic came…

I never been on a bike on public roads.
It seems like Bikes and Big trucks have one thing in common, No one see’s you :rolleyes:

when on a bike… NO ONE SEES YOU… when in a big truck THEY SEE YOU AND JUST WANT TO BE IN FRONT OF YOU

its much scarier on a bike. but i love it and ill be out tomorrow :wackit:

WOW…your lucky to be alive

I know right.

its gonna rain tomorrow…if it doesn’t hit me up before you leave

I always carry, too. If I crash into you, it’s not 'cause I’m trying to kill you. If, however, you draw on me, that changes things from an accident to an ‘on-purpose’, and I will try to kill you. And, I will most likely succeed. Even if I don’t, you’re still not gonna be happy about it.

well guys as some of you know i only got my license 8-9 months ago so i dont have a motorcycle i have my motorcycle permit and my dad has an 04 road king and a custom built 79 superglide and i get to ride them both not very far loli am looking for a crotch rocket just think it might be a little to much for me right now. But i did have a 04 cr125 that i sold to put towards my car. but before i sold my bike i was in moundsville WV and down in WV you can ride bikes on public roads and ride right by a cop and they wave lol. well i was following someone on a trx450 i was close to being wond out in 5th gear when he missed the turn so instead of gradually slowing down and turning around just stopped and locked them up i obviously couldnt so either way i was going down so i caught his rear tire went over the handle bars slid on the ground for xamount of feet broke all the fingers on my right hand fractured my growth plate in my wrist broke my elbow fractured my collar bone and broke some ribs o ya and you cant forget the glorious road rash most of us have had. Lol in the end i had 2 surguries with pins and screws some decent scars from road rash and a hell of a story lol

Sorry about the length

*grabs popcorn and waits

the cops stood over me and nudged me with their foot and said is he alive…my body was skinned and i was puking blood…i jumped up and felt like my back was broken …tossed my helmet and puked everywhere…i was more worried about my bike then myself tho

damn it i just finished eating…and a cop not knowing the PROPER procedures for checking for your vitals FTL…you probably shouldn’t have moved…glad your fine

Dude thats beat…by my question is…why were you at the top of 5th on a public road??? even if it is a little punk ass 125

I posted my going down stories in one of the other threads a few weeks back so I’m not reposting it.

As for the moron that has a carry permit, I can’t wait till you pull it on someone and they shoot you in the face. Bottom line, you have no right, as soon as you pull in on the other person if they feel threatened you are toast and your family won’t have a pot to piss in when it comes to a civil case.

What a fucking moron, Now I know why they changed the application process again when I went to go get mine renewed. They probably saw this tool and figured they better stop handing them out like candy.

it was a public road and it wasnt it faded from dirt to gravel to concrete lol it was in WV like there wasnt any traffic or little kids in the street lol

Been Ridin most of my life …had a broken ankle couple of fingers.some stitches and a whole lotta road rash but luckily never been hit by a car.Most of the time I was being stupid and now that im older I realize a nice cruiser is all you need…plus drivers now a days all suck

road rash really sucks the accident i told about previous in this thread was the first time i got road rash but luckily when i got to childrens hospital they gave me a shot of morphine because i was in so much pain after my 2hr ride back to pa that i almost didnt feel them scrubbing my skin with what felt like a wire brush lol:)

just puked in my mouth

ha ha sorry lol but i got to the hospital and my whole right side of body was just torn to hell in back it ripped right the my riding pants almost through my chest protector just covered my body so before i was put to sleep to have my first surgury they wanted to clean all my road rash out real good because when i was asleep they were going to cast me and the first cast was on for 8 weeks and they didnt want it to get infected

I just heard about this thread.

Wow, you guys really took that comment way too literary (yeah, I did say it literary but wanted to express how much i hate people who kill other people because they are not being safe). I was just offering some riding tips. And trying to get my point across about how dangerous stupid drivers are when your riding. If someone does hit YOU (like i said) they are responsible for what they did.

Have you ever been on a bike on the highway going 65-70 mph and then someone gets over without looking and you have the choice of either breaking really hard and hope they over shoot you or accelerating out of it? Yes I know it’s a risk you take when you get on the bike but that doesn’t mean it’s not their fault.

Especially if someone is not using turn signals or driving safely while around a bike. They should be responsible for any accidents they cause. Just like I would never speed through a populated play ground. Then again I will speed on the highway if no cars are around.

Am I going to literary get crashed at 70mph slide to a stop then then get up and shoot someone? no, probably not, but I would probably want to. Use common sense and try not to take things out of context. After someone hits you with a car… Maybe I’m different than some people that would not be mad about getting crashed but every time I see a dangerous close call from what I can see they are not very happy or wanting good things for the almost crashers.

I also read some of the other posts on here about carrying. Personally I have been carrying ever since I got my permit when I turned of age. I always shoot when I pull my gun. I never threaten with it. Guns are for shooting, I would use like a baseball bat or wrench to threaten someone if I had too. (Hopefully so they will also get a weapon, then you have a much better chance in court when you do shoot them :))


no helmet and sneakers… nice riding gear