Bike Accidents

Please just stop talking. You make yourself sound more and more like an idiot every time you post in this thread. Especially since this is about bike accidents not what a hard ass you are with a carry permit. :rolleyes:

I bet you sometime in the near future if you do pull your gun the other person takes it from you and pistol whips the hell out of you. Hopefully a few days in the ICU will make you stop acting like a hard ass with a permit. :jerkit:

I don’t care if you put the smilie face at the end of that last post you still have all the makings of a tool.

Get him mikey :rofl:

This kid is probably 21 and 1/2, has just got his permit and acts like he lives in the fucking Congo. I have never met someone in my life that has a carry permit and goes on and on about his temper and how “everytime he pulls his gat he shoots”.

Please, hold your breath and die. This fucking tool probably slipped though the cracks and that is why the rest of us are back to waiting for renewals instead of walking in and out with our permits at the county building like before. Maybe I should send this fuckstick my parking and gas tab for having to make two trips now.

ha ha i knew this was going to happen if he tryed to defending himself only now he made him self look like more of an asshole lol

Do you ever stop typing. Holy fuck shut up

do i ever stop typing? ha ha this is coming from someone who has 26,443 post vs someone who has 274 the question is do you ever stop typing?

that would be a shitty but quick way to go

Line crossing takes lives

shit that was only like 60mph.

that was faster then 60 the one guys speedometer was at like 125 going into the bend and the guy in front was pulling on him

that was kilometers…lmfao:bowrofl:

and the award for dumbest post in this thread goes to slowcivic98 ill take that one lol im glad i atleast got a laugh outta you x:rofl:

Clicky for an amazing recovery

So, ummm, not to rub salt, but how in the world??? Sorry for the loss, but I wonder the cause of this.


that’s an odd one. Maybe came in too hot kind of like they do on the off ramp of the vet’s bridge heading to 28?

wow…now that sucks…probably coming in too fast…