Friend of mine just died (maybe a member?)

Well a fellow high school friend of mine just died, he was really into bikes/cars like me so I was taking a shot that someone on here might know him or that he was a member here.

RIP Eric Yeagley
Thats the story.

What I find is weird to me , last night I was leaving my girls house and I saw a bunch of things on that road were he hit the van. I tried to drive in and get a closer look but I couldnt because of all the vehicles. Sad thing about it he was trying to sell that bike to me about a week ago. If I knew this was going to happen I would have bought it.


If by chance he was on here or if anyone knows him please post up that you know him.

If by chance this is the wrong section I’m sorry I’m still new.

sorry to hear

sorry to hear

thats sad

still a kid

sorry to hear

Trying to outrun the police. Simple traffic ticket would of been issued the cop said on camera. good to see he didn’t seriously injure anyone else…



Sad, but I’m with Jimmay on this. Stupidity on the road has no excuses, and I feel for his parents

He was a tech out at Wright…sorry about your loss.

yeah. work has been kinda quiet. Eric was a really cool kid too.

Sorry to hear that…

thats really sad to hear. i feel for his family…and anyone that knew him as well. its a shame he was so young.

sad to hear.

Did you guys know him by chance? the way your talking it seems like you do.

I also found out through his parents the news reports were wrong, he was not running from the police. (Police said this to the parents)

Also if anyone would like to go to the viewing or funeral PM me. Funeral is friday and viewings are thursday.

Thanks everyone for the kind words, I’m sure he is looking down and is feeling loved right now.

i dont personally know him but my mom does and is going to the viewing

also had a friend stop in yesterday at my office and tell me the story, his son was hanging with him minutes before the accident at sheetz

man thats rough, the new girl on here (roxy16chick something or other) her friend was supposed to meet him that night, but he didnt make it :frowning:

just curious what was the sons name? ray by chance?

boy thats even weirder now I work at the dennys (about 200 feet from sheetz) I so feel like I could have stopped this in some way. :frowning:

I just partied with yegs up at IUP a few weeks ago. I went to tech school with him the past 2 years and he turned out to be one of my better friends thru the years. My instructor called me the day after and told me and i couldnt believe it. We were supposed to go to bike night tonight on wedsday.
I feel for his family and i’ll show my sympathy to them tomorrow. Must be hard going to your sons graduation, than going to his funeral 2 months later.

If anyone is interested in going, theres a viewing tomorrow from 6-9 at Devlin in crannberry. The funeral will be on friday morning, i’m not sure what time.

rip buddy

Thats really too bad…that is ashame that it had to happen