Friend of mine just died (maybe a member?)

I did know him personally. he was a really cool kid and it’s such a shame for such a thing to happen to such a good person. i have alot to do with my wedding but i am going to try my hardest to make it out to the funeral.

he is really missed at work

wow thats sad… I didnt know him, but I hate to see things like this happen… there is just no need for it. Im sure ill get flamed for this, but thats what happens when the police try to chase someone on a bike… they just need to leave bikers alone… there is pretty much no chance of them catching a sport bike… our local police cheif personaly told me, he never even pulls out for sport bikes, he said there is no use… either the person is going to get killed running, or is going to kill an innocent driver while running, or the officer himself will wreck trying to catch the biker… he said its simply not worth a $200 ticket, thats about the only thing I ever heard an officer say that made sence. As a fellow biker… I feel for him and his family.

So lets just let the bikers do whatever they want.

Sorry to hear about the kid.

sounds good to me… im not saying there are not situations where an officer can safely pull them over without a chance for them to run, but 90% of them are going to run.

I have loved bikes all my life. It just seems that a lot of bikers are jagoffs. I can’t count the number of times I was passed in the tunnels by a bike doing a wheelie or something stupid. It serves them right when something happens to them. And the cops should radio ahead and pull out in front of the bike if the biker runs.

I am all for bikes lane splitting and going around traffic because it’s a lot safer for the biker to be moving instead of a stopped target, but it needs to be done safe. And it seems not a lot of bikers do this and then complain about the “cagers”.

I agree that there’s no point in having the same speed laws for 18 wheelers, busses, Cadillacs and sport bikes.

However, permitted law-breakers to do as they please is never a good solution for a problem.

I agree… its just that every morning when I come into work… there are so many storys of people getting shot overnight, etc… all kinda stuff… I just personaly feel in my opnion the police should be doing more important things than waiting for a biker to go 10mph over the speed limit and ticket him for it.

I agree… its just being a previous bike owner (you should know as well)… its very very easy to be doing 75mph in a 55mph zone… the bikes now are so stable and ride so smooth you just dont notice it. Even if you do get into a situation, one semi second little touch of the brake and your easily down to the speed limit. I understand not every situation should be excused.

I just like the outlook of our local cheif. I live in the country… we have a lot of twisty roads, etc… His outlook is, why pull out after someone going 20mph over on a street bike… he said only 3 things are going to happen… 1 he is going to get away because of the pure speed of the bikes and the fact that we have so many back roads around here, 2. He is going to get nervous of the officer behind him and wreck and possiably get killed, or 3, the officer himself is going to wreck into an innocent motorist while trying to catch someone that he knows he has not a prayer of doing unless he wrecks or goes down a dead end street. Its simply not worth a $200 ticket he says. I agree… for once in my lifetime a police officers opnion makes sence.

He forgot option 4.

The guy could pull over and get a ticket, like us “cagers.”

What’s really out-dated is our speed laws. Each car could have it’s own rating, like, A,B,C, or 1,2,3.

And all speed limits could stay the same, but you can add maybe 20% per class.

Assuming class 3 is “standard” and Class 1 is a sports car, then the sports car could go 77 in a 55. Is that excessive…maybe, but I think we could do better than what we have.

True… but I dont see that option being used too much. Maybe my friends and I that rode were idiots… maybe we didnt think logicaly? Its just of all my friends at least, would run… with insurance costs these days and the high points on your license… its just too easy to crack the throttle. One of the reasons I sold my bike… I was not responceable enough to own it… and ill admit that. I did not give it the respect it deserved…

Originally Posted by 77rednecktruck It serves them right when something happens to them.

One of the most dick things ive heard on this board. So what are you trying to say dude…That when someone gets hurt or even killed they deserve it? NOBODY deserves to die. I dont care what they do. Especially this kid. He was fucking 19 years old. Thats a year older than me. WAY tooo young to die.

If you cannot handle the situation, don’t get into it. If you can’t go fast on the bike and are too young and inexperienced to handle it, bad things are going to happen.

There are a lot of stories out there about high school kids racing their cars and smashing them up and dying, again, if you are too inexperienced to be driving like that, don’t do it. I can’t feel bad for people like that. I just hope no innocent bystander gets hurt in the process of someone else’s stupidity.

It may be a dick thing to say, but such is life.

alright guys. way to end this thread in a positive manner.

either way. i feel sorry for the family. i know work hasnt been the same