Another I hate Cop thread: Questions inside

Ok so after school today at UB I left from the one exit that I normally do not leave from. It ends up that the way I was going was away from the thru-way and going more into Amherst. So I figured I’ll just do a U-turn and go back to the thru-way. Man was I wrong.

I get pulled over about 1/2 mile after the u-turn, not really knowing what it was for. I pull over, turn off my car, put the keys on the dash and my hands on the wheel.

He walks up and says “turn off the car” and I sort of chuckle and say “the car is off sir”. Then he repeats himself “I said turn off the car” I’m thinking super troopers? WTF So I just look at him. He then says give me your license and reg. Ok no problem there are in the glove box and I give them to him. He then says “You know what you did back there was very dumb, your lucky i don’t have your car towed for that. Thats reckless driving you know.”

I respond with “I’m sorry sir I didn’t know it would be an illegal spot to make a u-turn.”

He says. “It was way more then a u-turn.”

I’m thinking WTF? He then walks to his car and sits there for a while.

Comes back with 4 tickets, and says “I’m cutting you a break, i’m not taking you down to the station, have a nice day”

4 Tickets! WTF

  1. 1110A-Crossing a double yellow
  2. 1160B- Not signaling
  3. 1160B- Improper Left turn
  4. 1162-Unsafe start

I don’t know what to do. Its really just him verse me. Should I get a lawyer? Does anyone know a good lawyer for Amherst? (Tyler can you chime in?hehehehe)
I thought I was being super polite and doing everything right, I guess not.


A “U-turn” is any turn “executed so as to proceed in the opposite direction.” Do not attempt a U-turn on a highway unless absolutely necessary. If you must turn around, use a parking lot, driveway or other area, and, if possible, re-enter the roadway going forward, not backing up.
You may make a U-turn only from the left portion of the lane closest to the centerline of the roadway, never from the right lane. Unless signs tell you otherwise, you may make a U-turn when you are given the go-ahead by a green arrow left-turn traffic signal, provided it is not prohibited and you yield to other traffic.
You may not make a U-turn near the crest of a hill, a curve or any other place where other drivers cannot see your vehicle from 500 feet (150 m) away in either direction. U-turns are also illegal in business districts of New York City and where NO U-TURN signs are posted. You may never make a U-turn on a limited access expressway, even if paths connect your side of the expressway with the other side.
Unless prohibited, a three-point turn may be used to turn around on a narrow, two-way street. You may be required to make one of these turns on your road test.

Not gonna try to justify it…

but what time of day was this?

plead not guilty, unless you have a hook up with a lawyer, don’t get one…as it will cost 200+
Dress nice, go to your court date that you receive in the mail, tell the prosecutor excatly what happened. Tell him/her the officer was VERY short with you and rather unprofessional.
You’ll still get a fine but if the prosecutor is a human being with a conscious he will drop most of the tickets.

Edit: he probably gave you an unsafe start ticket due to your loud exhaust. It SOUNDED like you were accelerating fast. For this reason exactly, I avoid amherst at ALL costs

In the vette?

I know the best lawyer in Amherst if your interested. And many people can vouch.

Yup…the one day I take it up to school…grumble grumble grumble

I even had the traction control on because it was starting to rain and I wasn’t sure how the new tires would react. :frowning: It was at 4.19 pm exactly. (Almost 4.20 god damn hippies)

I did accelerate fast, because the red light down the road was changing, but I didn’t light them up. If I did it would have been a lot tighter of a turn!

Let me guess the back end got a little loose and the tires made a high pitched noise during your U-turn?

If they did, say you have a really aggressive LSD and the inside tire squeals on tight turns

The posi is really tight but not that tight, it was damp and just started to rain, so there was no noise at all, if anything the inside tire spun a little, but I wasn’t on it hard, I short shifted 1st into 4th.

No wigwagging

i dunno man

hard to make a judgement call without actually seeing what you did, which sounds like you took off a little too fast doing an illegal u-turn in a red corvette as an 18-26 male. best of luck tho, sorry to hear.

during rush hour.


Pretty much, my question is why was it an illegal u-turn, I thought you can make a u-turn anywhere? Also why wasn’t I just giving an illegal u-turn ticket?

Also: I’d like to not loose my license for a u-turn…or pay $500 for i!

I thought you had to spin the tires for an unsafe start.

Wow Learn something everyday.

is that hill there >500’ away? Only thing I can think of…

I’d plea not guilty either way. Cant hurt to try.

edit- You were written for an illegal left turn along with the not signaling, unsafe start, and double yellow… not u-turn. Lookup the law on that maybe.

Were you 500 feet from intersections in any direction? Pretty sure they can use the “or anywhere else a car can’t see you” if there is an intersection. I remember, from drivers ed I think, that someone told me a u-turn within 500 feet of an intersection is illegal.

The unsafe start is the biggest one. That paints you as a reckless asshole is what you need to go away. A lawyer would be a big help for these and avoiding school.

Get a lawyer, plead not guilty and dress nice for court etc. The lawyer should get like 3 out of the 4 tickets dropped most likely. Also delay the court date if possible.

Is it Tom Girillo? He is a lawyer, who also just happens to be an Amherst police officer…

isn’t that like…conflict of interest?



lol, Outside Business Activity should probably be cleared with HR of both jobs. :lol:

Good luck with this … sorry to hear, Im lucky most cops I meet seem to be decent individuals