Improper Right Turn WTF

So to ruin my perfect day of celebrating unemployment i get a ticket going to the bison game right infront of the stadium. May i add the Black officer who gave me this ticket was the biggest ass hole i have ever seen / on a huge ass power trip / i wish i could have punched him in the face for being such a tough guy infront of my girlfriend.

What happened is I was in the middle lane of a three lane street (oak) and i really dont know my way around downtown. So i coming to the next light which is Swan street and im like shit have to make a right, well i throw my blinker on guy behind me lets me merge and then i make the right. Light is green and officer was allowing my side of traffic to go by. I make the right next thing i know all i hear is loud yelling and screaming. I look into my mirror and the officers running after me. Im thinking wtf did i hit someone or did i rob a bank? Officer screams at me license registration insurance card now. I give him my license then reach over to grab my insurance and registration and hes like just give me the whole book cuz i keep it with my manual and all that. He goes " how long have you been driving, i go 6 years and then hes like you dont know what you did? well your going to have fun sitting here and waiting now"

So i sit in the truck and as i watch at least 10 people do the same thing, people making illegal u turns, the other officer stops someone for going thru the red light and lets the guy go.

Half hour later the officer finally gives me my ticket granted he had it in his hand was standing there for 10 mins in the street because he was so busy directing traffic even though there was another officer and the light was working fine.

He comes up and is like put your seat belt on , gives me my stuff back. He goes back into the street and does his hard job. So i yell what is an improper right turn. he goes “I dont have enough time and yells get out of here”

Well im glad ass hat had 30 mins to waste of my time and it makes me feel that buffalo cops are uneducated if it took that long to think of a reason to give me a ticket. I also was not a smart ass or anything untill i left but i really cant wait for my court date cuz this cop is a complete dick. (also i may just have my lawyer possibly take care of this )

but my questions is…wtf did i possibly do wrong i signaled, guy gave me the right away and i made the turn? granted i was doing 5 mph or less and if i had to go straight i would have had to go on the peace bridge or 90

Kill him. Simple.

lol i love how you capatalized the letter “B” in the word Black

Ehh i was going to capatalize the whole thing but i didnt want to get in trouble for being racist…

It’s not racist if it’s true, It’s a fact.

Yeah, well believe me that was the nice version of the story…i could have actually said some other things

So you broke the law? got a ticket? and now your feelings are hurt?

learn how to drive…

I dont get it

39:4-123 Improper right or left turn 3 pts.

A driver is guilty of making an improper right turn if the approach for the right turn, or the turn itself is not made as close as practicable to the right curb, or edge of the roadway.

An improper left turn on a two-way roadway occurs if the approach for the left turn is not made in the portion of the right half of the roadway nearest to the center line. The turn must be made by passing to the right of the center line where it enters the intersection and after entering the intersection, the left turn must be made so as to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of the roadway being entered.

An improper left turn on a road other than a two-way roadway occurs when the driver does not approach the intersection in the extreme left lane lawfully available for traffic. The turn is also improper if after entering the intersection, the turn is not made so as to leave the intersection as nearly as practicable in the left lane lawfully available to traffic moving in such direction upon the roadway being entered.

The fines for this offense are between $52 and $202. Three points are assessed on a driver if they make an improper right or left hand turn.

good luck in buffalo traffic court, lol.

Sucks especially since B-Lo court doesn’t drop shit!

What does your girlfriend being there have anything to do with the story? I don’t get that, if she wasn’t there would it be different?


Sounds like some bulls%#t to me

Wish we had the other side of the story, but from this one sided version is sounds like typical BPD asshattery.

so wait, you were pulled over by a guy on foot?

a white guy there on unemployment day…he probably thought you were scamming the system :lol:

I would be pissed too. First of all you were “pulled over” by a police officer who was directing traffic. Can he even “pull you over?” I would have probably kept going, because I wouldn’t be able to hear him. Ya know, sorry my music was up I didn’t notice type of thing.

I was gonna say this too… not sure what I woulda done in that situation either

^ this guy knows lots of fat chick that can go and sit on the guys face until he stops breathing:nerd:

He probably gave you the ticket because youR sentence structure is sub par

It’s simple. You’re white, he’s black. Thats why you got the ticket. LOL.

He probably just got denied his unemployment, so they made him direct traffic instead.

He must have baby mama drama