worst ticket ever?

Alright… so friday afternoon I am on my way to hamburg on rt. 5 when a guy in a truck pulls out right in front of me. I’m talking hard on the brakes and swerve into the dirt…this guy did not notice me at all.

Of course I lay on the horn and flip him the bird to let him know how much of a d-bag he is. We get to the light and I’m still royally pissed. I flip him the bird again and mutter some choice words… but whatever … it happens. I was just glad I was not hurt.

Once we pass the light I notice a cop flying up behind me… so i think sweet… he’s pulling this prick over. Well he does… but he also makes it clear that I should pull over as well, so I do.

Long story short, the cop witnessed the event and sympathized with me… but complains that I should not have given the finger considering the young children out for halloween. The guy in the truck gets a hefty ticket (cop said multiple points)… BUT he also gives me an appearance ticket for “disorderly conduct” claiming that I was inappropriate in my response (the finger) to the D-BAG ALMOT RUNNING ME OFF THE ROAD.

WTF…i have an “appearance” date for mid november… FUCKING B.S.

thoughts? similar experiences? I’m shocked.

lol! I would tooootally not sweat it. Hell, if it were me, I’d never show ( yes, I’m irresponsible) Even if I did show, I’d make up some elaborate, but hilarious story about how I could not possibly have given the finger, as I was too busy texting on my cell phone and shifting with the other; or say you were giving him the thumbs up as you stretch them in front of the judge to emphasize your “freakishly” long appendages.

lol GL

IDK Ive been drinking and wish I had some cigs. Thats about all i have to say. Oh and sorry for the shitty ticket.


I guess there is no such thing as freedom of speech/expression in Hamburg.

I wish I’d get one of these tickets. Give the ACLU a call and watch them proceed to give the local cops a rectal exam for the next 6 months.

sounds to me like a road rage ticket. Yes the other d-bag screwed up but you retaliated.

the ticket you got is under the penal law, and could be “road rage” which is very serious, including jail time

lol apparantly I made this post around 5 am last night in a drunken stupor… DAYLIGHT SAVINGS FTW!

ok wait so…

I obey road laws

dbag cuts me off and totally runs me off road

I flip the bird

I go to jail

seems fucked up to me.

i guessssss:gotme:

disorderly conduct is a violation, as in, below a misdemeanor. a violation doesn’t legally qualify as a crime. you will probably get an acd on this or even dismissed altogether. i wouldn’t sweat it. also, show up for the court date, do not blow it off as suggested.

this doesnt sound that bad lol

i got a ticket in lewiston while getting onto the 190 or w/e to buffalo.

im in the left lane changing into the right lane, i put my turn signal on and casually change lanes. im going like 50 in a 45 w/e… i have my radar on and theres no cops, well apparently a cop was following me and apparently i cut him off lol.

i was a good 6-7 car lengths in front of him which is the standard 100 ft+ bullshit. and its night time mind you around 8pm pitch black out with none to very little overhead street lamps. so there is no way in fuck he can even judge that

so the cop speeds up and is like 3feet from my rear bumper all while im trying to get onto the thruway entrance ramp.

he pulls me over and hes like “so what was that little manuever back there huh?”
i say “…what… i pulled onto the thruway?”
and hes like “no, you cut me off”
im like, well i had my turn signal on for a while and i wasnt speeding or anything (no radar), so i admit, maybe my turn signal doesnt work. i show him it doesnt light up in the cluster but it makes the noise and the front one works but back doesnt sometimes.

so he goes behind my car and tells me to turn it on and hes like “nope it works fine, and you used it”

so he takes down all my info and shit

he comes back and gives me a ticket for “insufficent turn signal”

holy fuck i wish i had a tape recorder

so now i got siqq pts on my license

cliffs: cops suck

seriously, i think the cop is just covering his own ass so when the other guy shows up and explains his side of the story, they dont question his actions. i would just show up, explain what happened and most likely watch your ticket get dismissed.

Stupid cop told you the other guy is getting a “hefty tix with multiple points” just to make you feel a little better about your ticket. Id be just as shocked but I wouldnt worry about it :eek:

Way to handle it retard


I handled the cop in a very professional manner and he seemed nice but still gave me a ticket.

I WILL go to my court date and I WILL get it dismissed.

no the retarded way to handle it would have been to do some really stupid shit, like punching the side of his car or window. maybe making the guy pull over and beat the shit out of him.

if you have ever been on a bike you know how hard it is to control yourself when someone does some dumb shit and you see your life flash before your eyes.

and all i did was give him the finger…

trust me i would have done the same, if not worst. like i said the cop was probably just covering his own ass. if it was brought up in court, at least your there for questioning.

Yes actually my girfriend was in an accident in July. Funny thing is she hit a Cheektowaga cop on union road. He pulled out in front of her, no lights, or siren at all and now they said its all her fault for not looking. Where she was placed she couldnt see the cop what so ever.
Also the cop noted that we photo enhanced the pictures because the place ment was not exactlly the same.(NOTE: the pictures the cop said were photo enhanced were at our house).

So after all this the court date has been put off 6 times now.

You are really that childish you can’t handle driving with a adult manner? If I flipped everytime I get cut off I would probably have a heart attack by 24. Honestly the guy made a driving error. It was not a malicious act to injure you or piss you off. Disorderly conduct. You won’t be going to traffic court you will be going to criminal court because you can’t control your temper. If you find it hard not to attack or scream at people while Driving maybe you should take the bus.