Revenge... a dish best served cold (with some ice water)

ok, so I’m driving home from work last night down the I-90 south. Somehow I manage to get stuck behind about 15 cars that continue to keep tapping their brakes IN THE PASSING LANE doing under the speed limit (my biggest pet peeve). I figured traffic was just congested but then I saw that there was no reason for it (ie, no congested traffic in front of the group) and went to go pass them on the right, as did a fellow in a truck behind me.

So I get stuck behind a few more groups of cars doing the EXACT SAME THING (all riding each others asses in the PASSING LANE and tapping their brakes doing a good 5-10 mph under the speed limit). I do the same as above, passing on the right as does a few other cars behind me that seemed to be annoyed with the rest of the traffics in-ability to drive.

So I hit the tolls… I exit and THANK God I can finally set the cruise to 70 mph and dont have to worry about that shit. Errrrrr… wrong.

I pull out of the tolls and started to get up to speed behind a taurus and a VW (or maybe it was an audi). So I hit around 50 mph and start closing in on the VW, whos already riding the taurus’s ass) and start to back off on the throttle. About 20 seconds go by and nobody speeds up anymore… WTF? All three of us, in the hammer lane, are barely creeping by an 18 wheeler who’s struggling to make it up to the posted 65 mph speed limit.

Finally, after a min or two, the Taurus has enough room to move over into the driving lane (in front of the semi) to let myself and the VW/audi by. Now the VW/Audi manages to increase his speed to 55 and thats it… So I’m sitting there like “wtf is this? move over if you want to do under the speed limit”

So I stay a car or two back and when I get the chance I go to pass the guy on the right. Well I get my chance and move over and start to speed up and this douche floors it up to 80 :wtf:. ummmm… ok, wtf is your problem?

So I stay in the driving lane until I come up to another 18 wheeler in the driving lane. I change lanes to pass and the jackhole in the audi/vw slows down (he’s still hogging the passing lane). As soon as we pass, the dousche decides to move into the driving lane (FINALLY) and I set my cruise control and move over in front of him and keep on truckin.

So I’m driving for about .5 seconds in front of him and he has the nerve to blind me (and everyone else on the road) with his friggin brites. I quickly respond with a finger and he just sat there with them on… ok WTF asshole?

about 2 mins go by and I’m starting to get heated (I assume other people were too, as I noticed inbound traffic flashing 'em). So I try to get in front of a semi (with no luck) as I’m basicly driving blind (yes, thats why I dislike HIDs lol). So another min goes by and I’m debating kicking the ever loving shit out of this assclown but decided against it. So then it occoured to me… I have about 700 pennies laying in my counsol lol :smiley: :evil:

I rolled down my window and bam… there goes the first handful out the window nailing his car lol. He kept on it so Bam… yet another handful.

He kept them on until I hit my exit (how I wish the fucker would had gotten off at hamburg) so I just kept them coming in 30 second intervals.

best 7.00 I ever spent lol… fuckin asshole. I’d like to see what the hood/lights/windshild/bumper look like today

yes, I can be a real dickhead… but that retard had it coming (I didnt do shit, and he felt the need to fuck with me for whatever reason). I dont condone doing shit like that, but whatever… I just wish I would of broken atleast one of his lights :grrrrrr:.

thats fucking hilarious d00d…im really glad u did this and hopefully this got gets really pissed when he sees his car

awesome haha… i knew there was a use for all those useless pennys laying around my car

I would hunt you down and shoot you.

You don’t fuck with anyone’s car if you are a true car guy.

A car is defenseless. The person is the idiot here.

Btw, your hate for HIDs is invalid. HID hi beams are not DOT standard, he was just blinding you with regular high beams, which are annoying as fuck.

ROFL!!! Good job mang

I agree, it wasnt the mature thing to do by any means, nor is it my style… but damn did it feel good lol :smiley:

besides… he had it coming… call it vigilante karma lol

I think you should have followed him home, killed him and left him in the trunk of his car.

Haha. Sucks for him, but maybe you shouldn’t be such an asshole when you are driving.

:tup: very well…nice done

i disagree howie. and i am a car lover to an extent many don’t understand. I cringed in that sylvester stalone movie where they restored the 67 stang in prison and then it was smashed up.

in my car it would have to be something real serious for me to react that way

but on the bike it’s another story. i am defenseless on a bike. a car has 5 times my weight and size. So I am much more wary. I have never thrown change, but I think next season I may roll with a few pennies to get my point across.

On a bike a person is very vulnerable, and i get VERY pissed when people test their limits, as it has MUCH more serious consequences for me.

the only thing holding me back from doing something like this is the event that my target would overreact to the impending flying change and swerve off the road causing harm to themselves/other drivers.

or possibly over react, all heated up and try smashing into you. just be careful brother… dont want to see anyone else hurt on a bike (or in a car for that matter)

:word: seriously be careful, people these days are morons and act on nerve and emotion instead of logic and reason

lol truth… look at the first post in this thread as a prime example :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

i would have to be pretty damn pissed to do something like that.

but if i did it, that’s the advantage of a bike. it’s faster than a fucking ferrari, so if i did ever do something drastic like that, i would just ride off at a rapid rate of speed. cars can’t catch bikes, specially not some vw/audi. lol

lol valid point :slight_smile:

good job.

going after his car is the perfect thig to do if he is using it as a form of assult/annoyance.

He had the ability to take your plate, or follow you home and kill you, but he knew he was in the wrong so he went on his way… a few knicks, and dents later.

I will only abuse a vehicle if the driver is in the car, or the owner sees me doing it. Doing it :snky: like really pisses me off, because its usually jealous mother fuckers that don’t know shit… and think I paid 50k for my car… and its brand new… cock suckers.

I can guarantee you this, if that was me i would defiantly have followed you to Hamburg and pounded on you with my maglite, whether i was being a dick or not, you dont throw shit, especially at a nice car, if it was a POS then maybe different story.

I guess that point could be argued both ways

I would’ve killed you.

… then again, it would’ve been funny to see

this person sounded like a fucking douche bag… I wouldnt argue the pennies but I would have preferred to drag him out of his car…

next time get in front of him… and let off the throttle in gear…
I would have slowed down to like 30 in front of him… then hammered on it and dissapeared