worst ticket ever?

um hes on a bike you idiot, what else is he supposed to do? how do you handle yourself in that situation, please explain to me because apparently your an expert in these situations.

He could be riding my mother it does not matter act like an adult. You take that risk when you buy a bike. You don’t know a fucking thing about the guy in the vehicle. Again you need to act like a fucking adult not a arm flaring retard. Everytime He should just chalk it up as luck not an excuse to be a meathead.

thats the worst excuse ever. i would like to see someone pull out in front of you at 55 with a 10 ft stopping distance before disaster and see you NOT GET UPSET.

you have airbags in a car, they will save you when you hit him and insurance is covered. the pavement will not buy a new bike or a pine box when you slam your head off the ground and never wake up again. maybe when you give him grief, he will remember it and it will be an eye opener for next time.

nitroinsane, I’m speechless.

Just lock this thread up, I hate internet bullshit like this.

Apparently giving the finger to a blind asshole who just ran me off the road makes me a enraged criminal. I know where you are coming from damn…

I certainly handled the situation like an adult, and fliping the bird was more of a “haii…hellooooo…what was that,” not a “wtf pull over I can fights you.” I was even more than courteous with the cop, who seemed like a nice guy. As was said before he was probably just covering his ass.

I will go to court in a few weeks and this will most likely get dropped. I’ll have to think twice about posting this type of shit next time.:roll:

/ thread

^^^truth. good luck man, im sure they will dismiss it when you go.

i’m fairly certain nitroinsane is just saying things to get a rise out of you.

i hear what you are saying. i used to get real mad and freak out when people did that kind of shit to me when i was on my bike. after awhile, it became part of the daily commute. i actually started practicing making a certain look with my eyes to convey my emotions to the offending driver. like blue steel from zoolander only i called it, “hey crazy driver please get off your phone and stop doing your makeup as you just almost killed me and i don’t want to die today as it will make me late for work. all i really wanted to do was just enjoy riding my bike to work and not get killed, but please don’t think i’m not missing the irony of me almost face planting your rear bumper just to the left of that bright yellow ‘watch for motorcycles’ sticker there because your husband has a harley he drives once a month on saturday. thanks for your time.”

seriously, it takes time to be able to convey that without using your middle finger and just a combination of your eyes through your visor, waving your arms, and shaking your head, and giving them dirty looks at the next light as hard as you can, but it’s worth the investment.

This makes think of some bikers who think it’s ok to punch someones car or some shit because they cut you off.

No one replying in this thread was there to see it, so we can’t decide whether or not you acted unnecessarily. But I get the feeling the time spent at the stop light involved gesturing heavily and speaking your mind very loudly. In which case, if it was a neighborhood, not the sticks, the cop justifiably gave you the ticket, no questions.

But again, I wasn’t there. So if you say you didn’t freak out like a psycho path, I’ll take your word for it.

agreed. You were gesturing and yelling profanities in public when there were little children around trick or treating. For all we know the cop caught you just intime before you started punching the windows from road rage. When i was riding my bike down union last summer it was early in the morning and some asshat backed out onto union with there windows full of dew from the morning so i know they couldnt see me. i locked up my brakes and got sideways a bit, but recovered and avoided the accident. I certainly didnt act that way and im known for being a hot head. It was not done on purpose and i have came to the conclusion a long time ago that 99.9 percent of people on the road are just clueless lemmings that dont pay any attention to there surroundings.

Bingo. Unfortunately, a lot of people think that behaving like this will teach them a lesson.

Just watch out for yourself. These people tend to get what’s coming to them.

I’ve done the same thing before. That’s a bs ticket.

lol tell the judge, i dont know how i could have possibly given him the finger. i was to busy honking my horn and trying to down shift at the light. when i came to the stop i gave him the thumbs up and say way to go ass hole from behind his truck after he almost mad me run off the road into a tree. i think every one has their choice of words when its someone else about to cause your accident.

sorry to hear, if i got this i would probably already be in jail for telling the cop off once he told me i was getting that ticket

Yes, I do agree with what most people are saying… and no, you weren’t there… so for all you know I was acting immaturely. I can understand that.

I know what I did was unnecessary and things like this are part of riding a bike, it’s not like this is the first time this has happened to me… but damn it can get frustrating.

Honestly, I did not get hot about it and I certainly did not yell things loudly, just a simple flip of the bird as it happened and at the light, nothing more. I felt as if the cop took it a bit too far in my case… but whatever, we shall see what happens at court :gotme:

I’ll be working on my zoolander face from now on. lol

:lol: wow that sucks.

sedlmeier would have gotten the electric chair

LOL at people downing him for flippin the bird…

I let it slip once in a while when Im on two wheels, but when it comes down to it even if they were 100% in the wrong and total assholes about it, you’re still on a bike and you will not win that case of road rage if he decides to take it to that level. It’s just not worth it.

I can totally understand your frustration/actions though, just try to keep a more level head about it. :tup: to riding defensive as well.
