My weak night (another cop story)

This isn’t me bitching or anything, just my shitty luck.

I’m out with 5 other guys and we are going for a back road cruise. I’m leading the pack when I get to a stop sign, I look behind and we are missing two guys. We spin around to find 2 bikes in a wood pile and both guys on the ground. The bikes are totaled and both guys are bleeding but they are okay just some rash. We call the cops and within an hour a bunch of emts show up. My friend goes, “hey we should get out of here, our inspections are all up july 1st.”
I go- “dude, no cop is going to be that big of a jackass and write US tickets after we helped our downed friends out.” I ate my words.

  The sheriffs pull up about 1 1/2 hrs after they were called. The ask if everyone is okay, then look at our bikes on the side of the road, and check the plates and inspections. 

Sure enough, they ask about the inspections and they say, well you guys are getting tickets. we all go “officer, we know they just expired, but can you just cut us a break, we almost seen our friends die” the officer is like “that’s not my fault”
he starts to write my ticket, and calls me over, he claims that my registration expired. IT DID! some how the girl at the DMV instead of typing in April 30 2009 for the experation date, she typed in 2008. Her mistake, but she still gave me an 09 sticker. I was going to take care of this a few weeks ago but i never got around to it (dumbass me) The officer is accusing me of making a fake sticker and saying he’s going to arrest me for felony fraud.
I tell him it was a mistake, and I can prove that i paid for a 1 year registration.

He wasn’t having any of it, so he called a tow truck and my bike is now impounded. I can’t get it out of the impound untill I see the officer and show him proof that my bike is registered and he doesn’t work again until thursday. So i have to pay for the tow and 4 days in the lot. fucking WEAK.
I also got two tickets, inspection and no registration.

NOW, YES, the cop did do his job, but cut us a fucking break, we stayed there with our friends and directed traffic for an HOUR AND A HALF waiting for you guys to get here.
Oh yeah, the crash happened at 7:30pm. I didn’t get to leave the scene until 11:00pm.

Just my luck huh?

Remind me to not go anywhere with you. k?
lol. Shitty luck Tyler.

new trend.
Stop, look at friends “ARE YOU OKAY?”
if they are, LEAVE.
Problem avoided.

Shitty luck tho man.

Fuck bikes

on juan.

Wait till JAYWONCH sees this thread. He’s going to be pissed that you didn’t yell ARE YOU OK?!?!?!

glad everyone is ok though.

eh coulda been worse.

sounds like your wallet will NOT BE OK!

Hate asshole cops. there should really be something that makes the police pay for the impound fees if the bike was impounded unjustly. Either that or there should be a dedicated police lot so that atleast then the cops dont have to loose out on a huge amount of money.

Agreed. Since it was the DMV’s fault, how can they make you pay for the tow and impound?

Sry to hear about it man.

Most cops hate scraping kids off the thruway who drive sport bikes…


sorry to hear about your friends, next time dont take a chance just have your bike legal and you won’t have to go thru any bs

Sorry about the situation.However sounds like some reck less driving on a “back roads cruise” prove to be above there driving level. I do not get though how someone who has a lot of cop trouble would drive a bike with a expired inspection and reg. Good luck getting the bike back i would go to the police station tomorrow and show proof.

Who crashed?

Shitty about the bike. I can’t say I’m any better with that shit. I lost my plate last week, and still haven’t gone to get a new one. A cop followed me into Bubble Tea last night, but let me go without checking for my license, registration, inspection or anything of the sort. So there are def some nice cops out there.

Seems pretty straightforward what happened…

Cop gets called to scene of accident involving sportbikers going off the road, which means more than likely driving over the limits of the road. Shows up, and finds other sportbikers with expired inspections and registrations that do not match.

I don’t know why you keep posting storys like this…

Stop fucking around on the road and drive legal…

I’m guessing this is what set him off.

ding ding ding.

ur own fault not the cops.
