My weak night (another cop story)

Percentage of people telling tyler to “drive legal” and have never removed a cat, or done a race, etc etc.

Should have hidden your bikes and then said you were riding on the back of theirs or something, they probably wouldn’t have believed you, but so what…

Only part that is BS is the impounded bike over a typo. Then again, with all the shit you’re constantly getting into for assclowning on the streets it’s mostly your fault for not getting the registration fixed the day you noticed it. Not like you didn’t know you would probably be pulled over at some point given your history.

i understand the shitty part about getting your bike impounded, but come one man, no cop is EVER going to cut you some slack when your doing an illegal thing.

i mean think about it, your friends crashed their bikes and you were riding with them, obviously you were going above the speed limit and they lost control, hes going to try and teach you guys a lesson and in fact you gave him a reason to.

:tup: to you for helping your friends, but in the end you have to watch out for yourselves, you guys should have just left when you heard the sirens coming.

No good deed goes unpunished.

sounds about right to me too!

tyler who went down?


Man you remind me of myself when I was your age. I even took pics of a cop (Meng, N. Tonawanda) making out with some slut at a bar while his wife was at home and used them against him next time he gave me trouble. Do that, it works. %50 of cops are scumbags.

Guys, we wern’t doing anything illegal, you could clearly see all the dirt/gravel on the road, I avoided it and so did my other friends,but the two guys in the back didn’t see it, and we were following an old lincoln town car, so we all went around the corner maybe around 30 mph.
the speed limit is 55.
I’m not saying that the cop did something completly wrong, just the fact that they’ve been on the job for awhile and they KNOW the dmv fucks up, but NOW i’m stuck with the fucking tickets AND impound fees because of a TYPO.
And, I have to pay for 4 days in the impound lot because the officer isn’t working until thursday.

OT: the correct word is “seen” as it’s past tense correct?

The way you used seen is completely incorrect.



good to see they were ok!

Didn’t need to read past this. The first post said your bike had an expired inspection and you were on the road with it. You were doing something illegal.

just a cop doing his job.

guys, you all know when cops are doing what they should they are assholes, I mean how dare they give a ticket when your bike is not registered…


or the fact that they took an HOUR AND A HALF to respond? yeah, sounds like they were doing their job

chad and this kid vinny

p,s went to the dmv today, they said it was their fault, and they apologize for the inconvenience