My weak night (another cop story)

Yes, but I bet they would have enough common sense to make sure the little colored sticker on their fork was the right color… what’s it cost? 20$ And they would corrected a reg defect… Just riding a sport bike these days is a hassel. Mid way thru the season cops are fed up with all the ass clowns and are in the mind set that they are goin to make examples of the ones they catch (not saying they were clowning).
And yeah, removing a cat or street racing is asking for trouble… But so is sitting on the side of the road after an accident with an illegal bike.

But anyway. good to hear everyone is ok… and sorry to hear of the misfortune. If its a dmv mistake, as was said, the impound fee will be waived and the tickets will be dismissed. Just let this be a lesson… Don’t give a cop the option to fuck you over… cause they will.

I was going to take care of this a few weeks ago but i never got around to it (dumbass me) The

No, you got tickets cause you were lazy…

Wow… i sound like a asshole… ugh, im done.

are you really that big of a tool?

soooo they’re going to get them to waive the impound fees and everything else?
because they fucking should.

let’s say you wheeled the bike off of the actual road. Maybe into a driveway or something. They didn’t see you riding it, could they ticket you?


but when does the dmv do anything nice and helpful

if your near a friends house and the friend will vouch for you, they could write you a ticket if they felt like it, but it would be easy to get it tossed

if you cant explain how the bike got to its current location, and its just parked in a random lot, then its obvious you rode it there even though its off the road

but can they PROVE that?


I went to the sub station in north collins. A sherriff showed up and I told him what happened, showed him my OLD and NEW reg and showed him the typo.
these were his direct words:
“well you can see right here that it was a dmv mistake, why on earth would the officer still impound your bike?”

me-“that’s what I said”

officer-“man, if I were you i’d have a pretty bad taste in my mouth, that cop was a real jerk”

me-“thanks for understanding lets go get my bike”

So we go down to the impound $152 later, and NO PLATE. The officer took my plate.
the officer who came with me goes,
“I can’t believe they took your plate, i’ll get on the phone and try and find it”
It turns out it’s at the sub station but there is no one there and the place is locked.
The cop even goes to me- “if I was working that scene, i woulda told you guys to have a nice night, what the officer did was went by the book, hell, i woulda looked the other way on the inspection tickets”

I plan on picking my plate up tomorrow and I also PLAN on having BOTH tickets waived. As for the DMV refunding my impound fees…HAHA you guys make me laugh

See…someone actually is capable of liking you…

Its noone on here…but still…take it as a small victory.

I know a few people on here who like me, people who actually met me, as for everyone else, i’m glad you dislike me.

p.s: I don’t think i’ve ever cursed so much at an officer after I found out they called the tow truck, I think I called him every name I could think of. But after I cooled down, I was actually making the fatter guy laugh, I asked him to race me on foot ect. and I invited him up to my 21st birthday party…haha

I still don’t mind him. I don’t understand why he feels like he needs to live his life through nyspeed though.

Title: I farted
body: it smells

title: MY V card is gone
body: she was 200 lbs.

There is clearly something YOU are doing to warrant so many cop incidents. I’ve NEVER been pulled over, and I don’t drive like some saint.

Cut the shit and quit being such a fucking whiner about it.

Nevermind, you are quite the douchebag. Dear god, don’t fucking drink and drive.

They don’t have to prove anything


I’m not sure how much shit you’ve gotten already, and I’m not reading 3 pages of whatever the hell people have to say about this, but man that sucks.

No good deed goes unpunished. :picard: Glad you went back and took care of your riding mates. I hope you get your shit straightened out without getting bent over for someone else’s mistake.

Thanks fry.

You should have read the first 3 pages :slight_smile:

Nope. Just don’t like people who say they did nothing wrong…when they did. It has been pointed out numerous times that he had plenty of time to get an inspection and correct the DMV mistake. If he got in an accident on that bike and was seriously hurt (even if he was not at fault) he would be in some serious trouble.

You are apparently an idiot. Not only was he risking serious problems for himself, but admittedly had more than enough time to prevent the situation.

Totally agree that the cop was really bending you over. It’s going to be hard to dutch the inspection sticker, that one is on you. Good for you though, looks like karma actually works.

thank you for pointing out that you really are a tool
