My weak night (another cop story)

:gay3: stop thread humping for your friend, you both sound like tools.

You’re a quick one. :rolljerk:



I was saying im glad to see that things were working out for the most part since you got worked over. Karma would be working in your favor since you stopped to help a friend and ended up getting help in return.

Maybe I should have said who cares because you sound like a complete waste of life and a cry baby from your previous threads. Would that have been better?

meh, I though you said karma worked out as I got stuck with the impound fee.
Thanks though. I was calling you a fag because I had nothing else I could say, either way, I’m stuck with the impound fee which is gay.
Like i said, I’m not crying, the cop DID do his job (besides showing up and hour and half late,and realizing that the DMV made a typo which another cop noticed in 2 seconds)
Just basically stating my SHITTY luck.

No problem. Agreed shitty luck. Glad it didn’t end up as bad as it initially was going to. Not all cops are dicks and actually help out (like the one who is helping you out).