Here's a little story for all of you...

So before I tell you the story…I’m gonna stop and we’re gonna Quintin Tarantino it up a bit.

random WOOSH noises…

The date is Friday October 30th, 2009. The time…what is time? I make my way out to my doorstep when the fresh, cool breeze of a Fall morning enters my lungs.

I take a deep breath.

I think to myself, “Hey self, let’s ride!” So I put on my gear, strap my helmet to my head and take off, where? Who knows, but I believe it’s a school day, and I should probably take note.

I pull into Buff State, my thoughts jumping around like a donkey on cocaine. I notice a dump truck and large pile of dirt in the motorcycle parking lot. I cringe.

“Hey! Don’t park here!”, says the construction worker.

“Okay pal, I hear ya.”, I say to myself.

So I park on the sidewalk, nonchalantly if I do say so.

Lights flash!

(Travel forward to the afternoon)

OKAY!, enough of this storyline bullshit.

I come out and this bitch of a cop is writing me a well deserved ticket, asks me if I had a problem cuz I complained about how the bike parking lot was being used for retarded shit, I own her at words, she pulls away without writing me a ticket.

Chris- 10
Buff State- ZERO

Now here’s where I LOL’d today:

I parked in a normal parking spot today because the lot is STILL being used for retard work. I come out at 2:00pm to see that I have a parking ticket written by the same dike “police” officer that tried giving me one the other day. I see that it’s for an expired inspection sticker. Okay, no problem I say…



She wrote me an “I’ll show him!” ticket and neglected to note that in her ignorance and hast, she forgot that it’s not 2010 just yet. Sorry lady, but you just got covered in FAILsauce.

Valid 2010 inspection sticker > Power Tripping Buff State “Police” Officer

Chris- 1,000 points
Buff State- ZILCH!


Lol, nice.

You got lucky seeing her there both times, it would have been a cock if you had walked back to just a ticket.

Well the first time I came back and that’s when I confronted her and got out of the ticket. I seriously felt bad, I made her look like a fool.

The second time (today) I came back and she was gone. I just had the ticket on my bike, so I went to the Parking Authority Office, showed them the ticket, explained it and they laughed. The one officer whom I know (he has a bike and was chatting with me earlier this season) came out and looked at my bike with the valid inspection sticker and went “ugh, this is from lebrunski isn’t it? she has a problem with power, don’t worry about it”. He took my ticket and said I was all set lol.

as i was reading, i was expecting/hoping for fresh prince.


What do you have against construction?

I thought I was going to read about you dumping the bike :lol:

Yeah… I saw large pile of dirt… and dump truck…
I figured some awesome bike stunt was in order.

this thread is failsauce.

this thread sucks.

You guys suck lol.

I’ll post my story about how I single handedly saved a group of baby seals from armed british commandos during a hurricane later.

haha stupid ass college safety wanna be po po’s.


I don’t think I ever had a valid inspection when I parked my bike at Buff State.

But of course no one fires her stupid ass. This is why so many people think cops suck.

edit: nevermind

Because no-one complains! Everything gets shoved under the carpet and the higher ups don’t have to see/deal with it.

It’s also Buff State…School of Fail.

I wouldn’t go that far…it is what you make it.

i got ticketed there too… stupid school.

Not to get off topic but I completely disagree Luke, this school is medicore at best. If it wasn’t for the fact that my major is only offered here or Oswego and I’m past the point of no return, I would get the hell out of this place. The more you pay attention the more you notice the little things the school does and doesn’t do, they add up.

This kind of BS (dike parking officer) is a perfect point in hand.

Will, come back to Buffalo and get another one, imu :frowning: