Buffalo cops checkpoint?

What the fuuuck? I was driving to South today and there were 5 cop cars right on Main St. doing a checkpoint. I’ve never seen buffalo cops do one of these, and I’ve never heard of one besides a holiday or when they were protesting giambra

i was at Sunday the other day, a skate shop by patomac and elmwood, and I guess the cops had pulled over like 15 people ove rthe course of the day, just one after another. all day.

Yesterday when I was driving to North I saw like 5 or 6 BUFFALO cops out there, I don’t know what they were doing, but they were just on patrol looking for speeders I would assume

What is the story? They never used to do this shit. What is going on?

new mayor = new rules . he wants his presence known quick and show people he’s got the ball rolling already

There have been checkpoints on parkside by the zoo on a few occassions. There have also been checkpoints on transit under the 400 overpass a few times. They’re usually during the day, and when I’ve gone through they were looking for expired inspections, people driving without a license, and obvious equipment violations.

Time to make that money. Buffalo has none, you know.

in b4 someone says its the end of the month

cops have their period at the end of the month?

heh maybe the lady cops…

weird I remember buffalo cops not caring that much about traffic violations and more about if someone was being assaulted.

I drove for over a month with a cracked windshield passing several buffalo cops and they never cared, meh

WTF since does the buffalo PD give a rats nutz??? This is BS, the mayor needs to chill the F out and get rid of the real criminals not the people a month late on their inspection. Its all $$$ BS.

there were speed traps on the 33 east monday night about 5. there were about 7 or 8 cop cars

last time i remember something like this is when they were pissed about their wages maybe they are pissed again. this was in 03 i think

what’s weird is i don’t remember the v1 going off when I passed all those buffalo cops on the 33. maybe they were k band or something?

wow they should have a checkpoint on my street in the ghetto

shit, everyone’d be arrested, wouldn’t have any neighbors :tup:

u mean x band u xhould have k turned on

True dat’ :tup:

I’ve noticed this as well… I’ve never seen Buffalo cops pull someone over on the 33 and lately I’ve been seeing one almost every day. but it’s not just Buffalo. I’ve seen more cops out recently than ever before.

saw 3 cars pulled over right in a row on the 290 the other day…a dude with an expired inspection pulled over on the 33, and several pulled over on sheridan… tho that’s pretty normal… I was going to post about it if the trend continued this week.


Yeah I’ve noticed that too. As well as getting it first hand… Doh!

EDIT: Twice. :tdown:

k was on but i usually ignore it.

buffalo cops only have like 6 radar guns for the whole force

u ignore k???