Bad Experience Cooley, VW

This is why CRC doesnt have a waiting room. Drop it off and pick it up when its done. We are a small shop of 1-3 people working on 1-10 cars at a given time. We are forced to multitask between jobs and the three of us working at the time. Your muffler replacement might be 2 cuts, 2 welds and a reinstall that takes only 45minutes of work… but the car might come in, and roll out in 45 minutes, or 4-5 hours. The odds of the car coming into the driveway and being able to drive into and on the lift, and my workload allowing me to focus 100% on your car start to finish is slim to none.

Not to mention watching me work over my shoulder is no fun either.

Dont get me started on mavis, monroe, etc. I would LOVE my job if it were doing undercover “honesty checks” for those places. LOL