
i really hate the quality of service they give thier customers, i might as well not take my car there anymore… I love VW’s and i am having a hard time even thinking about keeping mine…

the wheels look like shit for the clearcoat coming off in the lugs and they just said oh thats the way it goes… to me thats BS, especially when i know other dealerships have been refinishing peoples wheels that look the same… just so sick of the BS…

then when i go 60+ you can hear air coming in the seal around the windshield, asked them to look into that and they said that it was standard too… BS it did not sound like that when i picked the car up!

then the car has been done since noon and i had to call them to ask when i could pick it up. i am just so annoyed and disappointed. fucking vw service blows, thats the bottom line

yeah they suck! specially day vw in murraysville. the best one is three rivers vw on 19 but its so far away from me.

Where did you take it? EVeryone talks shit on Billco but they’re okay. I also go to Day out in Monroville if need be. They are honest as well.

Sendell is the worst!

they all suck… fuck vw dealers

My neighbor got rid of his for that exact reason…terrible service.

i am just going to stop driving, the only cars i will buy would be an Audi or a VW. Sewickley audi blows balls, they think they are better then the customer… and then VW is just terrible

buy a GM?? :dunno: i hear GM’s service is great

I hear my monte carlo sucks



yeah you deffinatly don’t go there enough… :rofl:

I can;t wait to see what I chew them out for on Friday when I take it in for a recall. Only reason I still go there is because they have fucked so much shit up and tried to screw jenn over so many times they are afraid of me. I have had to call GM direct twice now filling a complaint and they ended up making it right and telling day to JUST DO IT what ever it may have been.

Fuck Day. Day is my bitch

dont worry ford service sucks to… mines only been in the shop for about 2 months now. getting it back tomarrow.

they will try to screw anyone over . at any dealership, unless you know people. Day was gonna replace my whole tranny (because i know a few people there that know the right people). But then shults said they would finally do it, and i still havent seen my car yet.

Whitey, make the extra effort and go see Walt in Wheeling. I’m willing to drive the hour and a half from now on after going there once…

I didn’t like Wheeling VW (actually in Elm Grove) the times I’ve been there. Really bad experiences. I took my mom there a couple years ago to drive a used Jetta TDI so that she would know how they felt after 100k miles. The newb salesman didn’t even know how to put the car into reverse and killed it twice when he was backing it out of the space. I hopped in the driver’s seat to be welcomed by a low fuel light. That’s just not a good way to sell a car.

Similarly bad experience at Rohrich. The salesman would not talk to my mom even though she was the one buying the car. He kept talking to my dad and me, trying to tell us this and that. He also said that he wouldn’t be able to find a 5-speed TDI with leather because VW didn’t make many of them. He was just blowing smoke so that he wouldn’t be hassled with ordering it.

We ended up going to Kempthorn Motors in Canton, OH to buy her TDI. Gave us $200 over invoice and great service. Almost daily updates on the order status.

3Rivers VW has been good to me. I’ve been there several times to kick tires and the salespeople were pretty good. I’ve never had to use them for service though.

all dealers suck, it’s not just vw.

I’m having a hell of a time with my altima at bowser right now. It idles like shit but runs fine once the rpm’s get off idle. It has been to bowser 3 times in the past 2 weeks and they have no idea what to do. fuck all of the dealers.

I bought my car at Beiarhl or however the fuck you spell it Honda. The salesmen were all really nice… until I signed the dotted line. Then it was like they didn’t give 2 shits about me. They had me trapped already for 5 years. The service from the body shop was terrible. Every time I called it would be “done in 2 more days” then in 2 days I’d get the same “done in 2 more days” for about a month. The service department isn’t bad but it didn’t quite meet my expectations on servicing a nearly $20k new car. I was expecting them to baby it and clean it, and fix any god damn thing that needs fixed… all they have done is change the oil 1 time, fill up my washer fluid, and tell me they were going to order 3 parts. 2 parts have never shown up and the 3rd was useless without one of the others. So I have had no emblem or rear sway bar link ever since.


whitey…next time bring me to the dealer with you…we’ll take care of it…
I had wheel bearings replaced way past warranty…and know and dislike keith and jim both…if they don’t remember me by now…even though my warranty has been up for a while…they will remember me quickly…if you go to the one in imports by day…or do you go to day vw in moon???

vw in moon