need 2nd job


you can just come to the BUX and work with Ange and I :lol:

…that would be funny seeing a pizza guy delivering in an M3 …lol

Cartman was a pizza man with is Xtreme

Then people would think he’s gay!

oh wait…


^^…SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHuuuuuuuuttt uppppppppp :snky:



Which one do you work at? I can imagine you get some…sweethearts…that order things there.

The only way I would do that is if I drove a beater I didn’t care about. Seriously, you don’t need all that extra mileage.

^^^…word…there’s no way in hell i would do that job…EVER!

bump bitches…long story short…2nd job fell through…

need something asap…something making decent money…no $6 or $7 an hour

have a computer networking degree if that helps…

lemme know

i am with skunky…i need loot too…BTW sears in Galleria is always hiring…but it sux there…

skunk move to nj ill hook you up

lol…thanks jon…i’ll pass

fine, even though you would be closer to howie and ALL of howie rediciously hot friends and have a pimp job to tell all the girls about…

yeahhh skunk you should seriously move dude!

Either out there or to Tampa!

There is obviously soooo much more opportunity out of Buffalo for you

:mad: I have zero money coming in now :frowning:

skunk, you have a hot ass. you should strip.

^^^LOL…oh thanks

no seriously man. at stagette parties and shit… theres money to be made. i will be your pimp, it’ll be hot.

hahahaha…i’ll pass