Seeking Some Helpful Advice

Background: I am a student at HVCC, studying auto mechanics, and working at St. Peter’s Nursing and Rehab Center (aka the villa) serving the residents’ dinner. The hours for working there are great because they dont conflict with my school hours so that is one thing that I like. But there are many things that I am not happy with. 1. Its boring and repetitive: everyday I come in and do the same thing over and over and its really not enjoyable. 2. Most of the people I work with SUCK. There are a few amount of them that actually put forth the effort in doing their job. The rest are a bunch of lazy fucks. One girl that works with me is absolutely crazy. She is always talking about wanting to have sex with everyone and thats just plan nasty/whorish. And she is incredibly rude. I dont know maybe it was how she was raised. 3. The pay is really gay. I make around $8.75 an hour. When I worked in the maintenance dept. for this place over the summer I was making around $10.00 an hour and loved the people I worked with. It was so much more relaxed and enjoyable, even though my job was to maintain the lawn.
My question: Does anybody have any advice as to where I could look for a job that deals with what I want to do for a profession(working on cars)? I was thinking maybe to look at like a quickie lube place just to get my feet wet and whatnot. But im not sure if it will be easy getting a job that will work around my school schedule. So any advice that is POSITIVE would be greatly appreciated. Please no crap talk/ getting off topic thanks.

you want something new, try piza delivery. alsways something new going on. pay is on average 15-17 an hr.

yea but wouldnt I be putting a lot of miles on my car doing deliveries?

hmm… you could probably find a job at a dealership or something but you probably wouldn’t make that much


alright well I wont be doing that. thanks for the input though

try home depot, lowes.

WTF? Seriously?

Assuming you get consistent tips.

Auto mechanics isn’t where you want to be if you are focused mainly on making the big bucks. Besides, I don’t know about you guys but when I am working on my car I am always swearing/drinking heavily because something that should take 15 minutes ALWAYS turns into a fucking 1 hour project. :rofl

Talk to Chris Torres at HVCC if you have class with him (drives a beater looking, turbo white CRX). He works at Valvoline and goes to school full time. Seems like he makes pretty decent money especially while still in school. The only thing is that you’ll probably be doing 99% oil changes/inspections while you are there. If you don’t mind that, you’re good to go. He can at least get you pointed in the right direction if his Valvoline isn’t hiring, but it always seems like they are.

Yah this wicked dopey girl I knew worked at jiffy lube with no auto experience at all, so you should probably be able to find a job no problem.

Detailing at a Car dealership

:rofl yeah, her job must’ve suuuuuckkkedd

Yeah because that’s in his line of work:retardclap

yea, no joke.

same goes for car valet, i’m doing 15+ all the time with some events over 20 an hour, ask k20power or big red. its good money.

Can get your feet wet in a car industry. Gotta start somewhere, you get to know people. And soon you can possibly work your way into car mechanics. Never know,I know people that have done this.

I dunno but $15-20 an hour to deliver pizza seems a bit generous. But, if you can get it. Go for it.

well i don’t know what to tell you, because thats how much i made. EVEN after subtracting money for fuel, it was still over 15 an hour. i did it for 2 years and i got sick of it. believe what you want, but like i said i did it and know the money thats involved in it.

Thats cake for delivery guys…

Kid I know gets that pretty much daily and maybe more during the weekends

20 bucks an hour or not, delivering pizzas isn’t the most prestigious job in the world.

What is?