The wording of the post suggests I don’t believe you. I just think delivering pizza shouldn’t get a person $15-$20. Like I said, if you can get it. Go for it.
I forget if i made a thread but there was a pizza delivery guy here dropping off an order with a new 335. :lol
If you’re dead set on working in the auto industry, I’d get into a dealership. A lot of ‘real businesses’ and not some Jiffy Lube place hire within. If you can somehow get your foot in the door, show your stuff, you’ll be alright.
I was an IT intern for 2 years at my current company, and they ended up keeping me on full time. Just have to work hard and apply yourself.
I did the HVCC Auto Program 7 years ago and then did additional schooling at UTI in Exton, PA. From there, I got into sales because it is very difficult in the auto industry to make a decent income. I know cars might be your thing now because your young, but do you honestly want to be under the hood of a car turning wrenches when your 40?
i was just trying to see if there was anything that i could start looking for now so that come spring time or something i have a couple places lined up. i asked on another local site and somebody recommended valet parking as something that deals with cars and makes some good money.
thanks for the help so far
I waited at Red Lobster for almost 2 years when I was in college. The per hour rate avg’d about $25-$30/hour including the $4.75/hour they have to pay you. Of that I only claimed 10% on my taxes. It was a great job but one of those jobs you don’t have any pride in.
We had an average of three tables at one time, with each table tipping between $7-$10. SOME nights I would get a large party and walk away with $300 plus. Cash. For money in your pocket, same day, waiting is a good job. Just be ready to put up with some of the craziest shit you have ever seen in your life.
Oh, and being a waiter gets you laid btw. Believe it or not. I made it through 3 of the girls that I worked with before I quit. Good times.
yeah valet parking is a cash crop. You can make $300-400 a night a good events. Rich people throw dough to show off and have their car taken care of. But be prepared to have no social life cause you will be working all the fun holidays and weekend nights
If you’re really into racing / cars in general, you can volunteer to be pit crew for a small team…
Granted you won’t be rebuilding engines or anything, but small race teams always need help and it’s good to pad your resume when you finish your course. Sometimes there are local rallies and stuff where all types of volunteers are needed. Definitely something to look into while you have flexibility to try new things.
The drawbacks are that you’ll be paid little, if anything, and the hours and travel will probably be quite a lot. But it could really help you if you want to become like a race mechanic or something in the future.
I valet park now and 300-400 is a bit of an exagageration in all honesty. On average a 5-6 hour shift for me is 75-120 a night.
I just did a house party event at a multi millionaire house. CJ decresente, one of the largest alcohol/ beverage distributors and I left with 130 for a 7hr shift with pay.
the whole reason i got out of delivering i didnt like working the hrs they needed. i like my mon-fri ,sat 6-? work schedule cuz the nights are still there for watever i want!
I thought he wanted something new in the area he was studying in school… :-\
My friends boyfriend works for Monro or something like that… I can ask him how flexible his schedule is if you want me to. Any place that offer’s part time employment should be pretty flexible as far as their scheduling goes so you should be able to continue with school no problem.
Are you valet at a hotel or big events. Valet at say canfield cassinoin saratoga during summer for a wedding you walk away with $300 easy. Same deal for Sergios a restaurant in Toga.
Ahhh to be twenty again. You want to work in the field…whether it be at a dealer or an independent. You will learn nothing by not working hands on from the begining. Fuck skip barber, they pay for shit…you travel all the time and barely get any experience…just ask travis. LOLOL. Not to mention you will learn more by working instead of hoping to be the next best thing in racing. Reality is if you’re not pursuing it right now you are never gonna make it. You like the track? Then go there on your own and meet the people who work/live there. I spend more time at and on the track than any skip barber worker.
I went to the valley and graduated with 25 or so people and only 2 still work on cars or even in the automotive field. Do you love cars? Do you love working on them all day and then go home and do the same? If not you will probably not last long in the field…or you will start to hate your work/hobby. Not to sound like I know everything but i’ve been doing this for 15 years now and i’ve learned a few things along the way. It’s tough to balance it as a hobby/lifestyle/career…If you have any questions…feel free to pm’ me.