where would you go

for a decent 2nd job at age 17. i need a job like monday thru thursday and im not sure where to go, im not going in to fast food so thats outta the question.

if anyone has any decent and legal ideas lol please post em up. ive gotta get some extra cash flow to make the talon faster

Are you in high school or college?

highschool =/

although i get out at 1230 4 outta 5 days

legal ideas? or legit ideas?



I also need this same info, I’m gonna settle for anything I can get but some some other ideas would be nice.

papers get delivered at like 7am around here. which is when im on my way to school

and legal as in not prostitution or selling drugs like everyone else i asked suggested lol

Have either of you guys picked up the newspaper and looked at jobs?

Your young, you’re not going to find a great job. McDonalds might be the job for you right now.

learn how to make a website, and take pictures of your friends and make a porn ring, or a tease site, promising nudes when they turn 18

Yeah, it really dont matter at this point i guess, i kinda need somthin with a flexable scedule cause I got another job, so I guess somthin like that would be best.

i make more in 3 days than any mcdonalds employee makes in a week. they get low pay and shit hours. i cant work weekdays where i currently am which is a bummer

breed horses in your basement

High school girls ?, Sexy ameturs.com ?, sounds promising WHOS IN !!!

I always love how people with no schooling and no college do EXACTLY this 98% of the time

I really want a job, but i refuse to do
Fast food
Any grocery store
Any convenience store
Any job that is veiwed as being “bottom of the barrel”

But i want to make some awesome money!

I think theres a Job down in cheektowaga washing diamond studded golden lexus’s. pays 6000.00 dollars an hour with full benefits. :bloated:


Ha Ha, me too

lol @ import muscle.

i wouldnt mind a corner store or a supermarket. i already work at a restraunt cooking i just need a change from that.

id prefer a job detailing cars or cleaning shop somewhere since i have experience in it and im going to school for it now and im enrolled at UTI already

and idc if i make minimum or a lil more its better than sitting here making no money

go apply at a place doing oil changes and brakes or somthing.

dont you have to be 18? age is the biggest bitch ever


no basement sorry