WTFIND: a somewhat "real job"

well its come down to this… by this winter i am either going back to school finally, or getting a “real job.” the actual search begins tomorrow, but i am just posting this up to get a feeler to see if there are any openings a nyspeed member knows about thats not really in the paper/online.

i have delivered pizzas for the last 4+ years and i am very good with driving directions, customer service (when the food is late and its not my fault, im pretty good at smothing things over.) i know how to run a kitchen right (when im not out slangin) and i deal with pressure very well, both from co-workers and customers.

looking for something maybe in a customer service/sales postition, maybe even manufacturing. delivering goods, pretty much open to almost anything. so if you know of anything that sounds promising post it up. thanks.

as for pay, on a slow night i usually make an average of $13/hr so i wouldnt want to go below that. advancement opportunitys a plus.


fsck that dude. you make real good money where you’re at. start exercising self control and finish school. i’m not trying to be a dick jam. you’re very intelligent, you just have the same personality i do where you’d rather have fun. buckle down and get your shit done.

I found you the perfect job.

Go to school now. It is easier when you’re young.

Just ask Celine. Those days…

…are gone.

alllllll byyyyy myyyyyyyyseeeeeeeeeeeeeelf don’t want to be


omg i just lol’d.

and dex, my job is great, with amazing fringe benefits. i just cant deliver pizzas anymore. its getting old.

yeah. what dan said. school > “a real job” w/o an education.

get a degree. then get a real job.

“Not everybody can have a Renee or be Michael Jackson’s umbrella man.”

omg, i am LOL-ing.


id definitely try to finish school… if you get some sort of 9-5 job that pays ok, its easy to get into a routine and not go back to school, plus working in the day makes it hard to go to school. ive seen a lot of people i know get stuck in this routine.

i actually agree with dan

i doubt you are going to find a good job paying more the 14-15hr without a degree, if so let me know too lol. Dont spend 50-60 a night on booze and start banking??? Finish school and sling pizzas. You probably wont get a better payin job til you get that piece of paper.


i didnt believe this until it happened to me. Im struggling in my two night classes now, and im very stuck in my 8-5 job. Its going to be harder than i thought to get my degree and take alot longer now.

making at least 13 dollars an hour in buffalo with no degree is really good pay. suck it up jam and keep delivering pizzas.

Finish school, keep the pizza job. You’d be hard pressed to find a decent real-job with pay near that.

Now is the only time youll be able to get away with delivering pizzas for a living. Continue that, get an education…

+1 for school

Think long term. You may be able to find a 13-15/hour job for now, but sooner or later you’ve got to start doing something that’ll pay enough to cover a mortgage, add to a retirement fund, and all that other grown up stuff. You used to be able to do that in Buffalo by joining a union and doing manufacturing. Check the paper, I’m sure there’s something in there about manufacturing in Buffalo shutting down. There always is.

They say you’re smart, you seem smart, go get a piece of paper that will set you up to run a sales department, or do public relations, or coordinate the movement of trucks for a shipping company, or…

school im there now with a shitty job but school is the footwork for a better job. the only downside of what you want and going to school is it will be a while till you get a good job. but in my opinion ok job now or waiting and getting through school then getting a sweet job that pays good and your satified with seems like a way better deal im actully at school now it kinda sucks but it will pay off in the end just keep that in the back of your mind. And most people with a plan like that end up returning to school later in life. So save yourself the time and get college over with now rather then later


what about that dude that was looking for help in Grand island? Some pizza place

seeing as he already works at a pizza place and would prefer not to do it anymore, i feel that wouldn’t be a good choice. on top of that, driving to grand island from hamburg to do the same thing would be silly.