school *rant

yah so, ive been thinking about this and it just seems odd to me.

Ive been working in the food industry for over 6 years now. 2 years ago I decided to goto school because I extremely hate the food industry. Plus go figure would like to have a career other then a dead end job. So recently Ive been looking for work while going to school. (keep in mind, my school goes year round) Of coarse, the only jobs I look at deal nothing with food/cooking etc. It seems everything that doesn’t involve food is a full-time job. Witch I can not apply for or get due to I am in school year round.

School -1

Another thing thats been on my mind recently. My car, for the last year or so has sat and nothing changed due to lack of funds. That and reallying focusing on school. But lets think of it this way. If I still worked like I did before I went to school my car would be done, no questions asked. Not to add but I would have money right now.

School -1

From what everyone tells me though it will all be better when I graduate. How so? Im more then likly going to move out of state (sorry, to the people that hate it here but I like Pittsburgh for some odd reason) Not to mention, leaving everyone I know etc. Then adding to that I will more then likly start off getting payed as much as I had when working with food. WTF MATE?!

School -1

Even though all this adds up, its not like im going to be dropping out of school. I like what im doing and hopefully be able to pay the bills with it one day. But for now I dunno wtf.

Quit being a whiney little bitch and just work a BS part time job and get school done. Hell come drive my 240 if you want something fun to drive for a day. Cars can wait! You are almost done so quit being a pussy, if you drop out of school you will never go back.

diploma is a garantee of nothing. for some jobs they are highly overated. i don’t know what ur field is thou. In my job, i think just working here edjucated me better than any school could have. So i’d have to say in marketing and sales, a diploma is overated. Its like lebron, he’s developed better by jumping straight to the pros. All those stupid science classes and what have you are a fucken waste if ur are going to be in sales. College is a rip off but its a shame you need that piece of paper for most corporations.

would i be further ahead in my knowledge of my field if i went to school? NO. would i be further along in my career (pay, job title) if i had a degree? Yes. your damned if you do and your damned if you dont.

Anymore degree/education gets you in the door. Obviously experience will get you the job. He is going to school for Graphic Design. If he quit now I imagine it would hurt more then help. Unless someone is barking down your door right now to give you a job in design. I would stay in school and keep gaining real world experiences with side jobs.

well for his field then he’s actually learning concrete stuff. sales and marketing your learning someones ideals and theories. the point i was making is that i know a ton of people with degrees and no full time job. looking back i wish i would have learned a trade.

be cool and stay in school. If you are looking for optimum income then why decrease your chance by not having a degree. Although in past years many jobs didn’t require a bachelors degree, statistics are showing that more and more jobs are going to require a BA in the future.

school FTW, ive missed 1 and half semesters since i’ve graduated highschool, granted it was all for military reasons but my goal is to become and officer and I need degree to do that. But as soon as I get commisioned and i’m a second lieutenant ill be making more then my dad who has been in for 21 yrs and is a master sergeant. Thats not the same deal but the same perspective on whether or not a degree matters or not. I say stay in school!

so they should stop making you take ridiculous general studies. thats why i quit. i was sick and tired of writing research papers, tryin to do pointless math, etc…

You benefit more from those pointless studies then you think. It makes you well rounded. It’s sad to see the amount of people that have no grasp on the english language because they blew off those pointless classes. I have to read/rewrite the majority of Starboy’s professional corespondence because he blew them off. I think he is starting to see the value in those classes alone. No clue why he would even think about blowing off the rest of school.

When I was in school full time, I worked one job 25-30 hrs a week, another 15 hrs and another 8 hrs. Waaaaah. I had more money than I had time to spend it. Sure they weren’t the most glorious jobs in the world but I did work and got paaaaid.

lol… im with whitey.

im still in school… been in college since 2000… go me. it’s a pain in the ass and seems worthless, but if it ever comes up, people would much rather hear that i’m still in finishing and not dropped out.

the whole money thing is relative to what you do… you have to bust your ass to make a point to someone somewhere that you are worth what you claim… then the money just comes rolling in… so the last thing you should do is quit…

i know my car(s) would surely be done and driving and sold and/or reworked if i didn’t have to go to school and work… but so is life.

and just to outdo b-rad… i never didn’t work FULLTIME in school, except for my first year of college… i took a minimum of 21 credits each semester… :slight_smile: i’m also a fulltime student :booty:

Stay in school.

The way things are going, you’ll never make more than $10/hr without at least a bachelors.

i worked 30-40 hours a week while in school. I always took a 15 credit load. I think Starboy is just a pussy!

learning the ropes in the real world i think makes you well rounded. by the time you get to college you have all the history, science and math you’ll ever need. Psychology is a class that should be mandatory, several pyschology classes… i learned more in the two psych classes i took than anything. useful stuff that i can apply to my everyday life, work and personal.

you can’t always judge people’s grasp of the english language by how they speak in a relaxed setting. i’m sure we all use slang and other stuff we’d never use in the workplace.

i’m not disagreeing about the value of a college education, i think the cost isn;t always worth it, But employers overvalue it in relation to someone with experience. to me experience > college degree (in my field)

i dont think he should quit and neither should i have quit but its an overated waste of time and money. For most high school is free, college is just an extension of that and all of the sudden its thousands of dollars to listen to more stuff you will not use in ur life. i have yet to apply the theory of osmosis to my daily routine. I’ve never been asked about the how the crusades affected europe, i’ve never been stuck on a customer because i didnt know the pathagorean theorum… like i said high school rounds you out, college should be to develope you for the work force not fill ur brain with more useless crap. Ok i understand that they make u do that stuff to teach disipline but if your to that point in ur education you should already have learned that or else you’d probably be smokin a blunt down at the bus stop on liberty.

/another school rant

cliffs: Starboy, dont be a pussy.

Starboy is just a pussy!

As much as I agree all the generals are a pain in the ass, it’s hard to argue they aren’t necessary after reading a paragraph or two written by Dom…I watched him spell upon as “apon” the other day :doh: He went to tech school for 2 years before transferring to Cal. Apparently they don’t teach English at tech school :rofl:

but exactly thou…if your in tech school for HVAC, who cares if that guy can spell, i just care if he’s gonna fix my damn heater in the winter. if you speak clearly and get your point accross what does mispelling a few words matter. brian- has anyone decided not to get work done a ur shop because of your spell in pittspeed… i’m gonna go with no. I’ll say it for a third time. all the general studies you need in life you will learn before you graduate high school. its amazing how many people with college degrees can’t come up to a window at a pirate game and order a ticket. you can have straight A’s in every college class and still be an idiot.

Private School != Public School

I think thats a big difference too. What we did in Private School sophmore year, I did my senior year in Public School.

yes thats true. i’m not saying public shcool is easy. allderdice has some of the best advanced programs in the country but the so called mainstream classes in say central for example is honors caliber compared to public school.