i fuckin hate college

i wish i could just be a looser

i sort of am cause im on all my message boards while my retarded professor is rambling about our economey

im seriously thinking about just working

How can you possibly be in college and have grammar that bad

Join the military.

But do not drop out just to start working. Unless you plan on opening your own business, and you know what you’re doing.

Otherwise stick with it, and take pride in the knowledge you are obtaining.

get involved with the conversations/lectures. It might become a little more interesting, it’s what I did. Plus the Professor sees that you are participating in class discussion…

I have a degree and still can’t find a decent job right now, stick with it because the economy hasn’t turned around yet, you’ll only screw yourself over in the end :hug

this…maybe you should think of staying a few years

Investments always hurt at first, but pay off later.

too true

i have the speeling ov a foor yeer old gurl

[quote=99FRC;479045]Join the military.


if you saw me

you would change your mind lol

edited, haha


Stay in school.

haha stay in school matt because you wouldnt last one second in the military!!! your a smart kid but a degree is the best way to improve your life in the long term. trust me i know school sucks sometimes but its better than a dead end job.

in the middle of my sophmore year i felt the same way but stuck with it, ill be graduating in a month with a bs and i couldnt be happier about my decision.


You just solidified my theory. Thank you.

Let me guess, you’re not paying for your “education” you’re wasting at the moment. Are you?

I also bet you haven’t work in a job that paid over $14 an hour? If you don’t straighten out your shit and get a degree, you won’t see $14/hr until 2021 when minimum wage gets bumped up to that based on our fucked economy/government.

Stay in school or you will never afford a lowering kit for that monster truck A4.

I feel the same way right now, have a 12pg research paper due fri for Criminology, a 10pg paper for my terrorism class, a 5pg’er for Psych, 500pg book to read and do weekly 2-3pg essays on along with tests etc etc. Cant wait to be done with it, in the end it will all be worth it!

Exactly. There is a reason it is called WORK. Not a here is your paper GIFT you stick on the wall and pass out at job interviews.

They hammer you with ALOT of work to build your work ethic. so when in real life you keep a job and help society not hinder it.

gotta work hard to play hard

stay in school

I really hope this kid was kidding… Becasue I hate little brats that their parents pay for all their shit and they dont respect them enough to put forth effort to keep it going.

Cars get bought for kids and wrecked, Kids dropp out of college parents pay for, they loose jobs that their parents helped get them into the door to.

GTFO lazy fuckers.

On seccond thought, drop out and rake my leaves on my yard. I have yet to do them this fall!

One more semester for me and I’ll have my associates then off to ualb.

I have leaves too if someone is interested in doubling up on raking duty ^^^.

I have my Associates in Computer Info Systems and although I haven’t used anything I learned in College in my day to day job, it’s still nice to have that paper and say, “Hey, I worked at something and I achieved it.”

ok im easy going untill someone calls me spoild
that a4, i bought with my own money when i was 16
my school is being paid for with a college fund but starting next semester i am going to have to pay for my own

i hate school at time, but i know it is the best choice for me

so please, dont call me spoild, i work hard for what i have, and plan to keep doing so

thats where i plan to go after my 2 year at acc for crim. jus.

Word I’m crj as well.