i fuckin hate college

CRJ ftl!! :lol

truf, should have done business

business administration what uppp

^^first choice

I never called you spoiled. I infered it and questioned you. didnt point the finger yet.

Glad to see you paid for your car. Once you start dropping 30K+ a year for school, your work ethic WILL change believe me. I have been out of school for 8 years now and still have $9K left in school loans. it isnt fun.

Maybe if you stated, “I know this sucks but I need to keep at it” in the OP or the first reply or so I would be such a dick on the interwebz to you. :lol

Look at the people around you right now. Can you see the ones that look like they are going to make it in life? The ones that look like they wont WILL jump out at you fast. Be like the first examples, dont act like the rest.

mechanical engineering :lol I hate my life right now


Fuck that, every kid that doesnt know what they wanna do with their lives takes that major… Theres going to be a boom in that field with the amount of people looking for jobs.

+1 there already is

you sound like my girlfriend no homoz


i know i need to keep at it, just sucks soooo bad

but i shouldnt be complaining yet, i have only had 1 12pg paper due and the rest have been 3-5 pagers

^eh, debatable. maybe for you (a few yrs older) but for underclassmen the field should be just fine

edit: fuck, that was for adam

Wait till you hit 4yr+ level courses. 20+pg term projects are the norm!


Perhaps, we’ll see how it goes! Thats just my opinion/forecast of what is going to happen.

Yup, and you can be assigned as many as 2-3+ books per class that you have to read. It isnt like HV where prof’s tell you what to read and yada yada, youre expected to read them fully and be able to apply them to the course. Get ready!! :lol

unless you major in engineering…i haven’t written an essay or read anything since first semester freshman year. All i do is science and math on steroids and dont understand most it…

i was up till 7:30 this morning doing hw and studying for an electrical science test that i undoubtedly bombed at 9:30 am:'(

edit: fixed

Damn, more power to ya for doin that shit man. Math makes my head spin :lol

i hate math. espically math 150. i’m retaking it now.

i liked statistics sooo much better.

right now im taking… statics(physics on steroids), electrical science, material science, differential equations, my elective(psychology) and adaptions in tactical leadership(army rotc class)

oh fuck