
I got offered a job today. :slight_smile: I would make a little more than I do now- which would be perfect. Its downtown, so parking would suck.

But here is the problem-

Training is 4-6 weeks long. It is monday - friday from 8:30 - 4ish. It starts the 14th.

I start class the last week in August. Which means if I went to the training I would miss 4 - 6 classes in the begining of the semester. (2-4 weeks worth)
I need just this class to graduate.

This job could be a great resume builder or turn into something more permanent.


find out if they pay for parking… the “little more” that it’s paying is NOT worth it unless they do (or unless you ride a bus). If training is at that time, then what are the hours for actually working?

when i actually work the will work me like 6am - 2 something or 2 something til 11pm

which i dont mind… i make another dollar sumething extra for later shifts…

they will work around my school schedule then

School > work

and what the hell would they be training you to do? thats a long time!

I don’t know about school before work. If I would’ve gotten offered this photography job when I was still in school I’d drop out in a heart beat. I’d be making 50k more than my friends as an animator.

But in most situations its school before work.

cant you take some night classes for those ones?, or shedule the classes around the training? just a thought

no… this class is offered once a year at one scheduled time.

In my position work comes before school most of the time because of my living arrangements and lack of parents. (and often times money)

you can stay in my spare room for a small fee :bj:


school is important, but the bills have to be paid. I chose work over school a few years ago and now have to go back and finish school with 2 kids. :frowning:

I’m torn between school and work- but the bills do need to be paid… and thats going to be the deciding factor.

Truth there. Also talk to the prof of the class and explain the situation. If this is your last class it would suck to have to wait another year to actually finish your degree. What’s your degree going to be in? That also makes a difference in this situation, at least to me.

she was offered a position where I currently work…great benefits, they will work around school, room for advancement, raises come quickly…yada yadayada. Anyway it is downtown and NO they will not pay for parking though it costs $5 to park all day at Station Square…anyway I personally take the bus when i can and it $1.75 each way.

Jenn the problem you face is definitely a hard one…I say you call in and ask if there are any night clases ( for training at work ) I know they usually are hiring a large sum of people and there are different start times for the classes ( you may not get to start on the date first set Aug 17?? or whatever ) I say that is your best bet…let me know how it works out

I’ll go and talk to Paulette, the one that hired you and see whats up if you want… I know her well…let me know

parking isn’t an issue… ican drive you in and out of town… except friday, i like to go home early!

i say go with the job and work on school… i’m still going for my 4 year degree (almost in year 7) … it’s a toss up but in the end the work experience is much more beneficial than a degree…

AMEN!.. On reason I am having a hard time landing a tech job in this area that isnt contract work. Sonny is the reverse of me… all kinds of exp but no bachleors. I have minimal help desk exp(doubt anyone cares about that) and a degree.

I vote work… EXP > SChool in this town.

i could probably get you a job if you show up clean cut for the interview… you might have to start in the TAC but hey thats where i started

ROFL… i cut off all my hair man. Last hair cut my hair was down to about 3/4 of an inch. I look about 10 years younger now :bowrofl: + i always clean up for interviews… had one this wensday… guess I gotta wait that out for now. PMing you now!

Jenn take the job, you can always finish school at some point.

In Pgh, work > school, school means nothing here.

Where I work, in my department unless you have many, many years of experience you are not getting a job with out a degree. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, that’s just the way it is here. Even at that, we’ll talk to kids with an Associates but I don’t think we’ve ever hired one in the 5 years I’ve been doing interviews. The way the job market is, I’m getting resumes from people with Masters AND experience that I can pick and choose from.

Again, not starting to the “degree versus work experience” debate, just telling you how at least some places are…

Sorry, but school isn’t everything. The job that I just got, they originally wanted someone with a 4-year degree. They got me (no school) and they told me they had their best end-of-month billing period ever and I had worked there for 5 days. I’m OVERLY qualified to do this job, I sit around bored all damn day doing nothing (but doing nothing pays well). So, I have no degree, and this is like cake-work for me. I’m used to having 1 million things to do at all times, this sucks.

Every employer is different though.

I agree to both sides…jobs are VERY important, at the same time I would never give up an education ( though I go to school part time and work full time ). I am just fortunate to have my work pay 100% of my schooling.