So im thinking about going to PTI (Pittsburgh Technical Institute) for there multimedia department. anyone know anything good or bad about the place??
y3ea I graduated from North Fayette campus with AST in comp sys and networking. It was a good learning experience but if you can afford it go to a 4 year…
um my ex went there and she wasnt happy with how they did things. at first it was ok but after like half way they changed the critcualum. [sp] she went for art all i know
yeah i went there for electrical eng for 2 semesters. I didnt like it at all it was really fast paced the class was huge and it was really easy to get left behind.
definetly not worth the money. But it also depends on what your doing i guess?
i went there for graphic design. it was a good experience, but its not cheap. regardless, no schooling is. i know a bunch of ppl that went there and r happy w/ their desicion. actually my friend from there was hired here at my current job the same time i was and once we got here we realized the Art Director went there also, a few years back. it is fastpaced, but its just like college basically so what do u expect? also, its not hard to get your 4yr degree after, just by online classes and such. i know a girl doing that now. she graduated from pti for multimedia, got a job making around 40g’s and is doing online classes to get her bachelors.
I did hear some good things about the school. I probably didnt like because I grew up in that area I knew practicaly everyone that went there it was just like high school again
haha. ya, one of my friends i met there, lived like 5 mins away from campus and it was sorta the same way w/ him. i know what u mean. but atleast it was nice to go back to his house and chill in between classes and such
i went there…
i gotta good job but i had to bust my ass to get it
you will learn alot but dont expect a good job right out oif school and dont believe there hype about 100% job placement!
but over all good school was thinking about going back and teaching before i got thsi job its all under new manegment now i hear its alot better.
4 year degree > technical school
I went to CLC and after a few years working realized it was a bonehead move and I should have got the 4 year degree before I had a wife and kids, now I am going to CCAC then to pitt or rmu to finish up my 4 year degree, but it’s a lot harder now than when I was young.
cliff notes, fuck the technical schools and just get the bachelor, you’ll be much happier a few years down the road.
my $.02
i somewhat agree, but it depends. for something like Multimedia or graphics, i think that your skills / portfolio have more to do with it. i mean i do t-shirt designs for the pro motocross races and rider shirts, have had full page, full color ads in mx magazines and stuff and i have a 2 year degree. and i just graduated. so my portfolio is awesome for the little experience i have. if i had to reflect back on my desicions so far, i think i did the right thing because i dont think a 4yr degree wouldve made a difference. plus, if for some reason, i feel the need, i can always get it later on.
that’s what I thought.
I know a lot of companies will not even look at the resume if you don’t have a 4 year degree, even if you can prove to them that you can do the work.
I’m not real “up” on the graphics market so I will take your work for it though.
ya. i mean w/o a doubt u make a valid point. i’m just trying to provide a counter-example. but in the graphics industry, i believe that if u have a good background and have done work for some high-end companies, plus a good portfolio then that will matter most. but ya, some places will want to see that 4yr degree to consider you.
Truthfully, any education helps. Education can never be taken from you.
It’s also what you make of it. People graduate with their bachelors and expect jobs to be handed to them, but that’s not the case. I know of one person in particular that didn’t even graduate high school, but he’s a millionaire now and owns his own construction company. Make the best of whatever you do.
Like Smokey said, make a portfolio of everything you’ve done. Learn to present yourself.
If PTI is where you want to go… Go for it.
I personally went to Computer Tech 4 years ago… it was an experence at best, but I realy wish I would have went to college instead. I graduated from tech school then moved on to get my bach at Cal. I thought I was going to do worse in the general classes and I didnt, I did fine. The problem is I really should have checked around for the college that offered what I wanted. Cal is programming intensive and im not even close to being a good programmer. From what the IT guy tells me at my job WCCC offers a better networking program. Ive thought about taking their Cisco class but i know it will probably be way over my head at this point. Once your out of school its so hard to go bac.
I have some issues with 4 year colleges. The biggest being the first two years are a sorry ass worthless continuation of high school where they force you to learn shit that you dont want or need to know. Personally I think its a horseshit way for the schools to make more money. I’d like to see a school say fuck that and instead of making you waste 2 years of your life/thousands of dollars, come up with a 3 year program that is just like the traditional 4 year experience, except its a year shorter but you immediately go right into your major courses. So you have an extra year to actually work on the shit you need to know, you get out in the workforce a year earlier, and save a year’s worth of tuition/housing.
college isn’t all about learning the material, it’s about doing something hard and having the determination to finish something. it’s also about exposure to a lot of different things. i have to take bs classes now, but i’m finding that i actually like a few areas of computers that I thought were gay as hell before I knew what they were.
werd, but those bullshit classes usually arent hard. That was my problem in college. I’d go to the class, it would be boring and stupid as fuck, so I wouldnt go all that often. Still got great scores on all my work (well, tests I should say. I wasnt real big on doing the bullshit busywork they would give as homework), but I would always get in trouble because of my attendance. I failed Com skills I 3 times because of that, all while getting comments like “you’re the best writer ive seen in a long time” and never scoring lower than a 95 on any paper. If I was at a big school like PSU or Pitt where they dont fuck with attendance I would have been golden. But regardless, $16,000yr x 2 years = 2 years of your life and $32,000 of crap you dont need and dont want. Thats a little steep for my tastes.
i agree with darkstar on the fact of schools requiring stupid classes for no reason. according to the placement test i took went i started at ccbc they informed me i had to take a basic math course and basic english. its fuckin bulshit i show up in math 1 day a week and still passing with a A+ the fuckin professer even asked why i was in this class. same with the english then i find out these classes wont even transfer anywhere??? a 3year school with no bulshit classes is an excellent idea.
thanks guys for all your input
its just part of life, when you start anything you have more rule and as you go on things loosen up.
in the beginning of college they cared because they wanted to get you in the habit of going to class. by junior year they could care less as long as you knew the stuff and you were there for the important stuff. by that time you love your major so you make sure to go to class cause its interesting.
its the same thing with work now… same exact situation! so maybe all the college bullshit is just prepping you for life?
look at your job now mike, when you first started you were a peon. you had to be there on time for every shift. now you have some clout cause you have matured in the company. seems like your job is pretty lax now as long as you get it done. but the catch is, you actually like to be there now! yeah just like college