
just looked at a ton of resumes

please if you are looking to go into IT, please do not list skills that you don’t have and that you might have heard of

please talk yourself up, make your resume make you look good

please do internships and gain experience, grades are barely looked at. anyone can be book smart

please go to a four year school and get a rounded education. Tech schools look like garbage in this day of age.

please make your resume unique in a way. I just looked at 30 resumes from a tech school and they all looked exactly the same.

if you ever need help with a resume, just ask me.

will do :cool:

or you can just get me a job w/o a resume :wink:

:down: sorry whitey… all of us are not made for college… i have a 2 year degree… and I had more hands on then most people with a 4 year degree… :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

hey thats fine, but every resume i just looked at with a 2 year degree had the max experience of McDonalds prep cook

my resume worked!!!

if you have enough experience you don’t even need a higher degree. but there are all these people out there that think that since they went to a two year school and learned the key words they can get any job.

bwhahah wonder if I’m overqualified for the job…

BTW (edit): whoever posts those stupid ass job descriptions need to be shot as well, it’s a round about thing if job descriptions can have every acronymn in the world why can’t my resume hehe…

Job Description: Administrator with the following skillis: Linux, AIX, Solaris, HPUX, Win2k, AD, BGP, ATM, MPLS, cisco certified, blah blah bla…

Salary: 30,000

I’ve seen so many job postings like that it’s ridiculous, they end up being a fucking helpdesk job just about…

:weak: most of the ppl i work with have a 2 year degree in graphic arts. i have a 2 year degree and i was hired at my current job along w/ another kid i graduated with. we have already exceeded all expectations our company had for us. I work in the motocross industry and within my first year i was already doing rider shirts for the top pros. the shirts are sold at every professional mx race nation wide.

since im job hunting now, shit i’ll just throw mine up on here and see what you think… prolly later tonight.

i folded jeans at the gap for two years and i have one semester done at community college and i type reel good with hardly any runon sentinses can i have an IT job?


no lie… thats better then what i saw.

the one kid was a Hot Food Transporter for Vocelli foods. um i think thats a pizza delivery person

Ahahahah you spark and interesting story…

When we were hiring a couple months ago, I came across a few resumes from PTI grads (Im PTI alum.)…

3 of them appeared oddly familiar…This was because they were exact copies, word for word, of my final resume I made while at PTI. Turns out they used it as an in-class example, so of course everybody copied it. PTI is :greddy:

btw- Where should I send resume?

Get me a job? :x:

you probly are, real admins are worth more than that

The thing that sucks about that is that I go to Penn State right now and will graduate in the spring with a 4 year degree in IT. They make me take so many bs classes here just to make me spend more $. I mean right now I have a stress management class!! If I would have went to a tech school I prob would have been out already and spent a lot less $

honestly…u can learn alot at Tech schools. They get a bad name because the requirements r very low to get in. so with that, you get alot of kids that think they can just go there get a degree and get a good job. they look at it as an easy way out. there were a fair amount of no ambition, no talents idiots that i went to school with. but when it comes time to get a job, you can see who really is commited to starting a career and who is just there because they think that piece of paper is gonna get them a job.

not really cheaper. Tuition is about $32k for the comp sys program that spans 8 quarters over 2 years.

How much is PSU tuition per semester? I think what you pay PTI for 2 years you could go to Pitt or PSU for 3.

ps- BS > AST
I personally cant wait to go back to school.

holy shit! I didn’t think it was that much…I pay a little over $5000 a semester here.

you people all claim to be victims of the unfair job market out there… blame the local economy, blame the president… blame anyone but yourselves :rolleyes:

here’s an idea…

get off your ass and get a job… when i was a sophomore in a 4 year school, i was also ‘fed up’ with 4 year degree’s being worth shit or the bad wrap / little knowledge gained from an associates.

so i went out and got a job… worked full time helpdesk along with going to college full time… weeknight classes and saturday classes… this is my last semester in a 4 year school (that took me 4.5 years to complete) but i’ve been working in the field for 4 years and will have a degree.

if it’s that big of a problem for you, go out and get a job, learn the trade then sell yourself on it. wtf?

also we have been seeing 2 kinda of IT smarts…

  1. People that love it, do it day in and day out and even on their free time.
  2. Book smart, did it cause they heard it would be good.

Its so easy to tell the two a part. a kid came in said he got his certs for networking. Could not even subnet. he probably passed the test though cause he studied